Making a difference Grassroots advocacy and Age Action
Does it work? “When the first 200 letters came the guards gave me back my clothes. Then the next 200 letters came and the prison director came to see me. When the next pile arrived the director rang his superior. “The letters kept coming and coming… 3,000 of them. The President was informed. The letters still kept arriving and the President called the prison and told them to let me go.” - Julio de Peña Valdez, trade union leader, after his release in 1974 from underground solitary confinement in the Dominican Republic.
The threat IMF urges Government to means test Travel Pass Funding frozen at 2010 levels Government begins review of the Travel Pass – Restricted hours, charging for it, only one mode of transport Will the budget mean the end of the Travel Pass?
Key Questions What is your ask? Who is the target? Who has influence on the target?
What is your ask? Simple, clear, easy to understand Looking for a specific action Can you say it in a sentence?
Phone, postcard,
Who is the target? Who is responsible for what you want done? Who is the person who can move it forward? Who is the person whose job it is to deliver the ask? Joan Burton has responsibility for the Travel Pass.
Who has influence on the target? Target TDs You
Do your homework Briefing note prepared Survey of older people on the importance of the pass – 78 per cent used the pass once a week Pledge prepared for elected representatives Weekly updates to supporters on who signed the pledge
Lobbying your TD Face-to-face Letters Phone calls s
Getting TDs on side – ALL of them
Be confident, you know this
So…we’re done, right?
Influencing the influencers! Your TDs Your allies You
You’re more powerful than you think Your TDs Family Friends Sports club Church Union branch Cllrs Media
Don’t let them forget
We win! Or did we? “Government is committed to fully supporting and retaining the free travel scheme as a universal benefit for elderly people.” - Minister Joan Burton …but funding is still frozen and still no sign of the review…
Though we may be small…
Any questions?