By: Nolan Boggini, Hunter Wheeler, and Nick Burton
Daoud turns to the Soviet Union for military aid. Issues with Pashtunistan (occupied Afghan land) flare up. Pashtunistan Pashtunistan Flag
1956 Kruschev & Bulgaria agree to help Afghanistan. Close ties are established between Afghanistan and USSR.
The practice among women in certain Muslim and Hindu societies of living in a separate room,behind a curtain, and dressing in all- enveloping clothes.
The Purdah is made optional and women begin to enroll in Universities. Universities become co- educational. Women begin to enter the workforce, and the government.
1963 Zahir Shah demands Daoud’s resignation as Prime Minister. Dr. Mohammad Yusof becomes Prime Minister. Zahir Shah Resignation of Mohammed Daoud Dr. Mohammad Yusof
1965 The Afghan Communist party secretly formed in January with Babrak Karmel as one of it’s founders. In September, the first nationwide elections were held under the new constitution and Karmel was elected to parliament, where he later instigated riots. Zahir and Yusof form second government. Babrak Karmel Afghanistan Communist Party Flag Afghan flag under Shah
Afghan New Constitution (1964) The Grand Assembly (Afghan Parliament) passed a new constitution in 1964 that was to be enacted the following year. Constitution created a constitutional monarchy in Afghanistan. A bicameral Legislature was also created under the new constitution.
1972 Mohammad Moussa becomes Prime Minister.
1973 Zahir Shah is on vacation in Europe when his government is overthrown in a military coup headed by Daoud Khan and PDPA (the Afghan Communist group) where he abolishes the monarchy, declares himself president, and the Republic of Afghanistan is established.
1975 Daoud presents a new constitution and Women’s rights are confirmed. Daoud also ousts suspected opponents from his government.
1978 Dauod is killed in a bloody communist coup where Taraki then takes over and appoints Babrak Karmel as his prime minister, which causes tension to rise and leads to mass tortures and arrests. The Afghan flag is then changed and Taraki signs a treaty of friendship with the Soviet Union. The Afghan guerrilla (Mujahideen) movement is born. Taraki
Afghan guerrilla (Mujahideen) movement is born.
Guerilla Warfare Video
Works Cited ConstitutionNet. International IDEA, Web. 9 Nov < constitutional-history-afghanistan>. CountryReports. CountryReports, Web. 9 Nov Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica, 9 May Web. 9 Nov Google Images. Google, July Web. 10 Nov < imghp>. YouTube. YouTube, 14 Feb Web. 10 Nov < watch?v=3fCvM3ASMRU>.