Keeping the Family in Mind in Liverpool Carol Bernard, Director of Commissioning, Mersey Care NHS Trust Louise Wardale, Keeping the Family in Mind Co-ordinator, Barnardo’s Monica Kizza, Survivor and parent Young carers, supported by Barnardo’s Action With Young Carers
Summary Demonstrating the model: Practice, strategic and workforce structures to support this Keeping children, young people and parents central to the process of change Overcoming barriers to support positive outcomes
Young Carers and their families central to KFIM development Whole Family impacted Practice base within the Young Carers Service, Liverpool Participation and Active Listening Changing Cultures – Challenging and Complex ! Genuine Partnerships Methods eg. Family Rooms, KFIM Pack Can you see me, Can you hear me… Are you keeping my family in mind?
Where the journey began… Why we need to work in partnership “They say things like ‘we only work with your mum’ but my mum lives with me so its all connected”. “ Its difficult enough living with mental health problems, but it feels like me and the kids have all our problems separated out and then no one gets the whole picture and sees how we are all affected”.
What really helps ? 10 messages – Clear communication at heart of what Children and Young People want Building resilience and managing risk- information always helps ! With permission – involve children & young people Talking to Children – how much do they understand… Identify Young Carers – ensure they are offered assessment in their own right Intervening Early - coordinated care package for whole family – WFD Early Help Offer Signpost/referral eg relevant Young Carers' Services Reduce Stigma – the Postcards Multi agency approach with senior level commitment – Think Family Whole-system approach and collaboration – No Wrong Door
The model … Whole Family Approach No Wrong Door for Young Carers and Their Families Early Help
Keeping Parents central to the process of change Monica’s Story
Keeping Children & Young People ( young carers) central to the process of change Darcey Abbie Jamie Katie “We keep on making the family rooms better for all children and young people!’
Thank You for listening to us today The Journey Continues Let’s all … ‘ Keep on keeping on ….! ’