WHY SOLAR PANELS ARE GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Solar energy is good for the environment The sun never runs out of energy unlike oil or gasoline Solar energy is renewable: meaning it will never run out it will always be there Solar energy is more friendly to the environment then using electric or gasoline powered items
WHY IS IT SO FRIENDLY? No more electrical bill Instead of using electrical energy that harms the environment and pollutes it use solar energy that does not harm the environment and is free Erase carbon footprint
WHAT SOLAR ENERGY RUNS ON IN YOUR SOLAR POWERED HOME Cook: Easy-to-build solar ovens and heaters can help you put dinner on the table. Practice passive space heating: The sun can heat your house by strategic use of blinds and sunrooms. Heat water: Use solar energy to heat your domestic water supply or let sun-warmed water heat your house. Heat your swimming pool: You can cover your pool with a solar blanket to heat it cheaply and efficiently Add landscape lighting: You can put small, inexpensive solar lights around your yard and eliminate the need for lighting powered by the utility company.
SOLAR POWERED CARS Solar powered cars are more friendly to the environment then regular cars Gasoline is toxic You don’t pay for gas when you have a solar powered car
CONS OF CARS THAT RUN ON GAS A REGULAR CAR THAT RUNS ON GAS It doesn’t burn clean enough even with current It pollutes the air and our environment. There is only limited supply of petroleum in this world. It is a costly fuel which we use every day.
GASOLINE Gasoline is toxic if people breath in the Fumes Its possible if you do breath in gasoline that you could have permanent brain damage and liver damage Now we know the effects over time and what its going to do to us then can you Imagine what will happen to our planet over time?!?!