KNR 273
Health and human service profession A quality of life profession Therapeutic Recreation (TR) Recreational Therapy (RT)
Recreation Therapy is #4 best college major for a career Kiplinger 2012 Recreation Therapist is #9 best profession for saving the world CNN May 2011
30,000 positions in U.S. & Canada Variety of titles: Recreational Therapist, Activity Therapist, Inclusion Specials, Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, etc. 12,000 certified in U.S. & Canada NCTRC, 2009 2,000 members of ATRA ATRA, 2012
Any individual with a physical, mental, social, or emotional condition that limits leisure functioning Individuals with illnesses, disabilities, or conditions acknowledged by health and human services classification systems Medical & psychiatric classification schemes DSM 5 WHO, ICF Healthy People 2020 Also includes legal offenders, at-risk youth Deviation from social norms & become recipients of specialized services
Long term care facilities Residential facilities Mental health facilities Special recreation associations Veteran hospitals Hospitals Substance abuse facilities And more..!
Any agency or center that serves the clients we discussed Health care (clinical), residential, community
NCTRC Primary Sector: 40% Hospital 18% Skilled Nursing Facility 9% Residential/Transitional 8% Community Parks & Rec. 7% Other 5% Outpatient/Day Treatment 4% Human Services Higher number in community settings in IL due to SRAs
Games Cooking Puzzles Arts and crafts Dancing Aquatics Computer games Sewing/knitting Pets Community Reintegration Music Sports Art Writing Special Olympics Outdoor activities Traveling Card games And more!
Develop friendships Improve physical health Improve cognitive functioning Decrease stress Increase self-esteem Independence Develop new social skills Learn how to cope Overcome barriers And more! You Tube Clip om/watch?v=RGY16Ms sBw0 om/watch?v=RGY16Ms sBw0