Student Lifecycle: Fostering Transformation Phase 3: Getting Out!
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Phase 3: Getting Out! Fostering the paradigm shift from student to peer and helping students own their identities as professionals, scholars, and global citizens
Student Professional Mentori ng Trainin g
BREADTH DEPTH The “T- shaped” Graduate
Student Identities (SAFE) F inish ers S tarter s E ncore s A dvan cers
Career Starters Young ( < 30) Just entering the profession Directly from undergrad program InexperiencedTech-focused
Career Advancers Early to mid-careerAmbitiousFocusedDegree as a “hoop”?Moderately experienced
Career Finishers Mid-to-late career Never completed degree Diverse professional experience Time away from Univ – long or short?
Career Encores Mature Early retirement Seeking “passion” career Diverse professional experience
Professionalism What words best describe what it means to be “professional”?
Professionalism Easy to recognize, hard to define “Hidden curriculum” Formative v. summative
Professionalism Defined “…the skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well.” (Merriam-Webster, 2015) “…the competence or skill expected of a professional.” (Oxford Dictionary, 2015)
It’s a CAKE-walk !! C onduct A ttitude K nowledge E tiquette
Conduct Punctual Socially aware Speaks cogently Writes well Listens actively Affirmative of others’ efforts Reads non- verbal cues well Knows when to speak Knows when to listen Role-model for colleagues Manages time well Meets deadlines Doesn’t make excuses Prioritizes effectively Handles stress effectively Behaves ethically
Attitude Teachable Patient Respectful of others Self-aware Not self-serving Generous of spirit Open-minded Aligned with the organization Engaged Values diversity Trustworthy Accountable Has perspective Collaborative
Knowledge Thinks logically Knows their “stuff” Able to handle complex ideas Able to think reflectively and analytically Asks appropriate questions Knows what they know Knows what they don’t know Problem-solver Knows how to get information Anticipates outcomes accurately Interpersonal knowledge (networking) Able to Synthesize Culturally aware Ethically aware
Etiquette HandshakeEye contactAddressing othersGroomingAttirePrivacy ConfidentialityPhone etiquetteDining etiquetteSocial media etiquette etiquetteBasic mannersHandling embarrassment
Student Need (based on student identity) Training/Mentoring (matched to student need) Professional Identity
Training Needs Aspects of Professionalism Student Identity ConductAttitudeKnowledgeEtiquette Starters Advancers Finishers Encores
Training Options Aspects of Professionalism Student Identity ConductAttitudeKnowledgeEtiquette Starters Advancers Finishers Encores