Working with Multiple Activities
Slide 2 Introduction Working with multiple activities Creating multiple views Introduction to intents Passing data to activities Putting together the AndroidManifest.xml file
Slide 3 Multiple Activities (Introduction) When the user switches between activities, one activity is stopped, and the other is started Remember the activity lifecycle Note that you can start activities that belong to other applications A mail program for example We will not do that yet We will work within our own application
Slide 4 Starting an Activity To start a new activity, you call startActivity() passing an Intent as the argument The Intent describes the activity that you want to start The user can then select from the possible intents (external) Or the activity just runs (external) An activity can also return results
Slide 5 Creating a Second Activity Remember that an activity is just a class So we just add a new class Inherit from Add the activity to the manifest
Slide 6 Creating a Second Activity
Slide 7 Add to Manifest
Slide 8 Resulting Manifest
Slide 9 Creating a Layout You have created portrait and landscape layouts When working with multiple activities, you need to create layouts for those activities In the project Explorer, click New, Other
Slide 10 Creating a Layout (Illustration) In the first dialog, select Android XML Layout File In the second dialog, select the desired layout
Slide 11 Creating a Layout (Illustration) Set configuration options Note the file is added to the res/layout folder by default
Slide 12 Introduction to Intents Before we can explicitly start an activity, you need to understand intents An intent is an object used to communicate with the OS Intents are used with activities, services, broadcast receivers, and content providers We have only discussed activities so far You can use intents to tell the Android OS which activity to start
Slide 13 Intents (Philosophically) As the name implies, it’s an intention to do an action It’s a message to say I did something I want something to happen When you create an intent, you are saying that you want to move from one activity to another
Slide 14 Intents (Types) There are two types of intents Explicit intents are used with a Context and Class object to start an activity within your application Implicit intents are used to start activities outside of your application Not yet THERE ARE MUCH MORE TO INTENTS THAN DISCUSSED HERE
Slide 15 Intent (Constructor) This is but one of the many constructors The first argument contains the current activity The second argument contains the class name of the activity to be started
Slide 16 Intent (Creating) The following appears in the current activity (MainActivity.this) and starts the second activity (Page2Activity.class)
Slide 17 Starting an Activity (Illustration) startActivity is called with an Intent. The ActivityManager uses that intent to determine the activity to start
Slide 18 Passing Data to Activities You can pass data from one activity to anther through intent extras Extras are just arbitrary data that can be passed to an intent An extra is a key / value pair that is passed to an intent The started activity can read this extra data
Slide 19 Creating (Writing) an Extra First, create the Intent as shown before Second, call putExtra() First argument contains the key Second argument contains the value
Slide 20 Creating (Writing) an Extra The first argument contains the key, which here is a constant “LastActivity” The second contains the value “MainActivity”
Slide 21 Reading an Extra The getIntent() method returns an Intent object It’s methods get values of a particular type getBooleanExtra(), getByteExtra(), getIntExtra(), etc…
Slide 22 Reading an Extra (Example) Read an extra into a TextView
Slide 23 Returning an Activity Result (Introduction) There are times when we need to return a result from an activity We start an activity as before, however, pass a request code when starting the activity The request code is an integer It is send to the child (started) activity The result is then returned to the parent
Slide 24 Returning an Activity Result Call startActivityForResult() instead of startActivity() The first argument contains the intent The second argument contains the integer result that will be returned The result is returned through overriding onActivityResult() in the parent activity
Slide 25 Returning an Activity Result To return the result, you call one of two forms of setResult() The first returns a result code Typically Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Activity.RESULT_OK The second return the result code and intent data Call finish() to return from the activity
Slide 26 Activity Result Example (1) Start the activity as before with startActivity except call startActivityForResult The first argument contains the activity as before The second argument contains an integer request code It answers the question, from which activity are we returning
Slide 27 Activity Result Example (2) Here we return a code but no data The intent is empty and has no extras RESULT_CANCELED is an android constant We call finish to return to the calling Activity
Slide 28 Activity Result Example (2a) Here we return a code and data The Intent has extra data We change the return code
Slide 29 Activity Result Example (3) In the calling activity, handle the onActivityResult() event
Slide 30 AndroidManifest.xml (Multiple Activities) The AndroidManifest.xml must list all of the activities Remember one activity is designated as the launcher activity
Slide 31 AndroidManifest.xml (Multiple Activities)