Max Joelson and Mitchell Moore
Problems Facebook Twitter Texting Instagram Skype Accounts Now with increased technology, bullies are capable of contacting their victims 24/7. On social media sites they can see; photos, likes, interests, friends, sexual orientation and relationships. Bullies are able read all of that without even knowing you. Also they can remain anonymous. You can create false s with false information, effortlessly so people cannot track you down. New Technologies
Problems with Facebook/Twitter Facebook and Twitter were amazing ideas. You can communicate with friends anytime of the day! But sadly, people abuse and misuse Facebook and Twitter to emotionally scar people. Because of access to critical and private information, they are able to taunt and mercilessly tease you. Why not delete your account? Because aid is available on these websites. But as you keep this, your messages inbox keeps filling up with messages of deep hatred.
Texting gives anyone an ability to communicate. The “mobile instant messaging” friends can say whatever in private… well, almost private. Unfortunately people spread these seemly private messages to others. Lets say you promised not to tell anyone. But, then you tell someone. That someone promises not to tell anyone. But they tell one person, and the process continues. Texting is more discreet but once you send a message, you can never “unsend” it There’s no way to delete it from another person’s phone
"Bullying is a lot different now. Now they can get to you 24/7 through and text and Facebook," he said. "There's no hiding from it. There's no safe place anymore." -Anonymus Cyberbullying involves the use of information and communication technologies such as , cell phone and pager text messages, instant messaging, defamatory personal Web sites, and defamatory online personal polling Web sites, to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group that is intended to harm others. -Bill Billsey
Facebook/Twitter amazing outlets for spreading messages around. Like anti-bullying websites, groups, forums and solutions. People have started many walls and groups about stopping bullying, no matter what kind
Bullied Kids tend to suffer from depression more often, their grades drop.
Suicide is the 3 rd leading killer of all young people. Only accidents and homicides killed more people. Suicides from years have tripled since 1960 More than 4,300 young people took their own lives in 1996
Alex was a 16 year old from Britain. Alex was constantly bullied about being gay. Alex could not escape from bullies even at home because of technology. With all this constant bullying…
The only way you can get the respect you deserve is to die. -Alex (Bullycide victim) Kids who bully are six times more likely than other kids to commit a crime by age 24. The anonymity of cyberbullying torments kids because the don’t know if it’s a friends of a stanger.
The only way you can get the respect you deserve is to die. -Alex (Bullycide victim) Help Us Change That
Ala, Catherine. "Cyber Bullying is No LOL Matter." Michigan eLibrary. Michigan eLibrary, 8 Aug Web. 6 Mar Anderson, Tara, and Brian Sturm. "Cyrberbullying: From Playground to Computer." Michigan eLibrary. Michigan eLibrary, Web. 6 Mar Cloquet, Wendy. "Stopping Suicide Through Texting." Michigan eLibrary. Michigan eLibrary, Web. 5 Mar DiConsiglio, John. "Bullying Hurts." Michigan eLibrary. Michigan eLibrary, 3 Sept Web. 6 Mar "Teen Suicide: A Growing Concern." Michigan eLibrary. Michigan eLibrary, Web. 5 Mar
Fanning, Karen. "Cyberspace Bullies." Michigan eLibrary. Michigan eLibrary, 21 Nov Web. 6 Mar Gordon, Anitra. "Teen Suicide: Finding the Will to Live." Michigna eLibrary. Michigan eLibrary, 1 Feb Web. 7 Mar Nemours Foundation. "Suicides in Teens." Nemours. Nemours, Web. 5 Mar Regualitory Intelligence Data. "DOD Takes Steps to Stop Bullying." Michigan eLibrary. Michigan eLibrary, 21 Nov Web. 6 Mar Teen Suicide: When The Blues Get Out of Control." Michigan eLibrary. Michigan eLibrary, Web. 5 Mar