ENC Professional Writing USF Sarasota-Manatee Week 12, Fall 2015 Length of this lecture audio (7 slides) = 00:22:57 Jot down the three audio codes and the numbers of slides where they are mentioned -- you will send the Week 11 and 12 codes with your Assignment 4 submission by Nov. 30, There will be no lecture in the weeks of Nov. 16 or Nov. 23 (Thanksgiving break). The next and final lecture will be #14 on Dec. 2, 2015 – a summary of the course and tips for final exam preparation. Shown below is a sample screen capture of confirmation that the online course evaluation has been completed. You will receive instructions for this evaluation from USF. Send me your screen capture by . © Copyright 2015 by T. E. Roberts, Instructor ENC Professional Writing USF Sarasota-Manatee Week 12, Fall 2015 Length of this lecture audio (7 slides) = 00:22:57 Jot down the three audio codes and the numbers of slides where they are mentioned -- you will send the Week 11 and 12 codes with your Assignment 4 submission by Nov. 30, There will be no lecture in the weeks of Nov. 16 or Nov. 23 (Thanksgiving break). The next and final lecture will be #14 on Dec. 2, 2015 – a summary of the course and tips for final exam preparation. Shown below is a sample screen capture of confirmation that the online course evaluation has been completed. You will receive instructions for this evaluation from USF. Send me your screen capture by . © Copyright 2015 by T. E. Roberts, Instructor
ENC 3250, Professional Writing Fall 2015 Week 12 Slide 1 of 7 Week 12 Topics A Brief History How and Texting Differ from Traditional Messages Caution: Business Ahead How Do You Communicate? Basic Tips for Eternity
ENC 3250, Professional Writing Fall 2015 Week 12 Slide 2 of 7 A Brief History The function was a major reason for developing the predecessor of today’s internet. 1971: ARPANET (“Advanced Research Projects Agency Network”) researcher Ray Tomlinson created and sent the first message from one computer to another … he later applied the “at” sign as a standard feature of addresses. Early was seen as a fast and convenient hybrid of messages on paper, teletyped transmissions, and telephone calls. Hence, the tendency to use informal, colloquial, and abbreviated language in began early.
ENC 3250, Professional Writing Fall 2015 Week 12 Slide 3 of 7 How and Why & Texting Differ From Traditional Messages on Paper Early adopters were engineers, scientists, and technicians. Such users have little patience with “trivial niceties” of professional or formal communication. As gained wider acceptance in business and personal communication (early 1990’s), the informal style was perpetuated. With the widespread use of smart phones, was supplemented or even replaced by texting. In their speed, convenience, and personal touch, and texting both create an illusion of familiarity which may be inappropriate in a business or professional setting.
ENC 3250, Professional Writing Fall 2015 Week 12 Slide 4 of 7 Like Cheap Meat, Should Marinate Overnight Precisely because is so easy to create and send, it should be treated with great care. If you’re rushed, angry, moody, confused, elated, grumpy, indifferent … in short, if you’re human, don’t send an important immediately. Put your sensitive, important into the DRAFT folder (not the OUTGOING folder) and leave it there, if possible, for at least a few hours before sending. Efforts to retrieve or recall a damaging or embarrassing are useless … once the grenade is thrown, it’s TOO LATE! Always re-read your saved message before sending it … circumstances may have changed dramatically.
ENC 3250, Professional Writing Fall 2015 Week 12 Slide 5 of 7 How Do You Communicate? Today, web use -- defined in terms of creation and exchange of digital media over networks -- is almost universal among educated users in industrialized nations. [Reference to chart at left is from a previous lecture; the current chart is updated for 2015.] Websites and are being increasingly displaced by Web 2.0 applications -- blogs, Facebook, Twitter, networking sites (such as Linkedin.com), cell-phone texting and voic , and similar peer-to-peer media. According to some recent studies, most “young people” (teen to mid-20’s) prefer cell-phone texting (SMS messaging) to or voic for social messages, but in business and professional communications, change may happen more slowly.
ENC 3250, Professional Writing Fall 2015 Week 12 Slide 6 of 7 Basic Tips in College Courses and Jobs Send every message to yourself at secondary address (provides safety backup if original is lost). When replying to a previous message, quote the discussion thread (set preferences to do this automatically). Learn how to capture internet header information so you can prove that a message was sent at a certain time. SUBJECT line should clearly indicate the urgency and relevance of a message. If your business address has little or nothing to do with your actual name, change it so you will be taken seriously in a professional context. Check spelling and grammar on all outgoing messages. Apply the “What If the Boss Sees This?” test to your business .
ENC 3250, Professional Writing Fall 2015 Week 12 Slide 7 of 7 for Eternity As discovered by politicians and celebrities in recent years … a job or marriage may last only a month, but and digital detritus will be around forever! If you plan on a successful career, be careful what you leave behind in cyberspace. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and other social networking sites Archived and websites Cell-phone text & voic messages (archived on cell provider’s computers) Perform a thorough Google search of your name to see what others will see Government and law enforcement authorities can access even well-hidden files By the same token, be sure to SAVE all business-related in a carefully backed-up archive.