GENESIS Chapter 31:17 – Chapter 32 FROM “TRICKSTER” TO “PRINCE OF GOD” I.Introduction A.Correction – last week! 1. Rachael the youngest Leah is the oldest.


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Presentation transcript:

GENESIS Chapter 31:17 – Chapter 32 FROM “TRICKSTER” TO “PRINCE OF GOD” I.Introduction A.Correction – last week! 1. Rachael the youngest Leah is the oldest.

2.Not the youngest before the oldest. a) In another time- space-continuum! b) Please forgive me. c) ”An honest mistake.” d) I may test your knowledge at some other time.

(1)Thank you for your love. B.Jacob has packed up to go home. 1.Become a wealthy man. a) With his entire estate in tow.

b) He consulted with his wives. II.Genesis 31:17-21 A.Old habits hard to overcome. 1.Jacob does what seems right to him.

a)Rachael steals her father’s idols. (1) Might bring here good luck? (2) Deserved something from dad? (3) Something to remember dad by? (a)Lying part of her life also.

(b)Almost costs her life. B.Sum up this remaining chapter. 1.Laban travels for 7 days and finds Jacob. a) “Why did you leave?”

b)“Why did you take my idols?” (1) Because he was afraid. (2) Whoever is guilty of taking the idols will be killed. (a)We should think before we speak. 2. Laban searches the tents.

a) Her “time of the month”. 3.Jacob and Laban make a covenant. a) Covenant ratified by a sacrifice. III.Genesis 32:1-23 A.Jacob is “freaked out”.

1.He comes up with a plan. a) He prays this time! IV.Genesis 32:24-32 A.Hosea 12:4-5 1.Jacob isn’t looking for a fight.

1.The man touched Jacobs hip and dislocates it. a) Jacob is whipped. b) Genesis 32:28 V.Conclusion A. He received His blessing.

1.The Lord had to cripple him. 2.The Lord could have just “pinned” him! a) Jacob had a few “moves” left! (1) He wasn’t going to win. (2)He is just “holding onto the Lord.

b)One touch and Jacob’s “strength” was “toast.” (1)Some have to lose everything before they will listen to the Lord. (2) If they have a few “moves” left – they have to try.

(a)When the “will” is surrendered He is ours! (b) “Power with God and with men.” B.Jacob wants His name. 1.Jacob knows who He is!

a)Genesis 32:30 b)2 Corinthians 12:10 (1) Jacob left with a permanent reminder. (a)The trickster become a “prince”!