Patti Beltram, Ed.D. Peoria Unified School District Director for Career Services Jim Hawk, MEd Peoria Unified School District TLC Program Lead
PUSD Career Development Steps 1.Self assessment (TLC) 2.Career identification & exploration (TLC) 3.Course selection & scheduling 4.Goal setting & action planning
Total CTE Program Model
How does TLC fit, and what does it look like? Philosophy, Curriculum, and Partnerships
TLC Career Exploration (7-8): Curriculum Career and Technical Student Organizations Education and Career Action Plan Partners Staff Development
Curriculum: Technology, Life, Careers class introduces 16 national career clusters while integrating technology Meets both State Technology and Workplace Standards Web based Curriculum (Internet, Moodle, Edmodo) Follows total CTE Model with hands-on labs
Career and Technical Student Organizations: 20 of 32 TLC teachers sign up to participate in a CTSO SkillsUSA 17 TLC Programs have SkillsUSA Chapters Peoria’s TLC program is hosting SillsUSA Region 5 Jr. High Championship Upwards of 200 Peoria 7 th and 8 th graders attending FBLA 3 Programs Particpating Up from one last year
Education and Career Action Plan Online 9 th Grade Registration Work with Elementary Guidance and core area teachers to create schedule Enter schedule electronically in TLC lab High School Counselors review each students schedule, with student, in TLC lab
Partners Elementary Guidance High School Guidance High School CTE Teachers
Staff Development Induction trainings In-service time with Elementary Guidance, TLC and High School Counselors High School CTE and TLC AZCIS training
Sample Authentic Assessments/Units Technology: Use of Office Products TLA assessment Fashion Design: Trash Bag Dress Landscape Design Irrigation System Leadership CTSO Cosmetology Movie Make-up Programming: Lego NXT Robotics Automotive: 4 Stroke Engine Media Morning Announcements Sports Medicine: Taping wrists
QUESTIONS/COMMENTS Patti Beltram, Director for Career Services Jim Hawk, TLC Lead