Analytics & Reporting Tool
Outline how to access SAS OLAP Cubes through SAS AMO Review SAS OLAP Cube creation and how it relates to integration with SAS AMO Review SAS AMO features Demonstrate examples of SAS AMO functionality Answer Questions
OLAP Cubes SAS AMO Outlook PPT Excel UDS Data from the UDS supports the creation of OLAP Cubes SAS AMO provides registered users access to cube data and provides an additional layer of functionality Metadata Server
How to access SAS OLAP Cube data in Excel
Dimension – List of variables that are related to each other, normally in a hierarchical nature. Example: A Time Dimension might contain the variables year, quarter, month, week, and day. Level – Every variable in a Dimension is a referred to as a Level. Levels cannot be shared between Dimensions. Hierarchy – A structure that defines a preset list of Levels that roll up together. Measure – Numeric variables that analytical data is created for. The aggregate value of a measure is called a Member, and represents the value of a Level in a Hierarchy. NOTE: Dimensions must contain at least one Hierarchy. NOTE: Dimensions cannot share a Level, but a Level can be used in multiple Hierarchies within a Dimension and can be duplicated within a Hierarchy. Terms
MOLAP – OLAP storage option where aggregated results are stored in the cube’s internal storage. This option uses the same table format as the SPD Engine, along with the same threading and scalability features as the files used by the SAS SPD Engine. NWAY – The crossing of all dimension levels. This is the default setting for OLAP cubes. When executed all combinations of every dimension level member is created. More Terms Impacts to SAS AMO Meaningful aggregations are built from mutually exclusive cube dimension levels. Duplicating Levels is an effective way to reduce I/O and space issues. This is especially true for Time and Geographical Dimension types which provide extra functionality when implemented.
List of AMO features SAS Metadata Manage Permissions Integration with SAS Applications Manage Performance with ARM MS Office Share Documents Schedule Reports Enhanced functionality Extensible with VBA Access SAS Data (Cubes) Access to SAS Files Built in Tasks Use custom tasks to send and retrieve data Access to new interactive charts and maps
Build report from scratch with the Formulary cube.