Report from India Topical Conference on Hadron Collider Physics XIII Jan 14-20, TIFR, India Naohito Saito RIKEN/ RIKEN BNL Research Center.


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Presentation transcript:

Report from India Topical Conference on Hadron Collider Physics XIII Jan 14-20, TIFR, India Naohito Saito RIKEN/ RIKEN BNL Research Center

Topical Conference on Hadron Collider Physics Previously called “Proton-Antiproton collider physics”, changed to include ep and pp, sometimes ee and , recently AA A series of conference on –the results from SppS T EVATRON –and the prospects for future Run EVATRON, LHC, NLC, and RHIC 120 participants; about a half from India No US-National-Lab participants

Programme Electroweak Physics –W/Z cross section –W mass (CDF/D0/LEP) –WW  QCD –Jet/Dijet –Rapidity Gap/Diffraction –Structure Function: proton and photon Heavy Quarks –Top:mass, decay modes, cross section –Bottom:cross section, CP violation New Phenomena: Higgs, SUSY, Leptoquark, Compositeness Future: RHIC, LHC, NLC, and muon collider

Number of detected W Bosons TEVATRON –Run 0 ‘ pb -1 –Run 1A ‘ pb -1 –Run 1B ‘ pb -1 –Run 1C ‘ pb -1

W and Z Cross Sections T EVATRON Measurements and Theory

W Boson Width

W Boson Mass

Run 1~100 pb-1=> CDF 90 MeV; D0 100 MeV --> Combined 70 MeV Run 2 ~ 2 fb-1 => 40 MeV per experiment TeV33~30 fb-1 => 20 MeV

W Boson Mass Direct W Mass Measurement s

Constraint on the Higgs

Top Mass Results of D0 and CDF

Top Cross Sections CDF > D0~ Theory

W Helicity in Top Production Longitudinally Polarized W

Z’ Search in Dilepton Mode No deviations from SM

Bottom Cross sections Theory still underestimat es  by a factor of 2

HERA - Kinematic Range

F 2 vs Q 2 from 1994 Data Precision reached ~1% stat and ~3% syst

J/  at HERA Color Octet Failed?

Physics at RHIC Study of QCD in extreme conditions –heavy ion physics - hot and dense limit –spin physics - high Q 2 with spin d.o.f. Heavy Ion Physics –search for a new state of matter - Quark Gluon Plasma –characterize its physical properties Spin Physics –elucidate the spin structure of the nucleon –search for a physics beyond standard model

Confinement and QGP Quarks are confined in a hadron –No free quark has been observed They can be free at; –high energy asymptotic freedom –high temperature –high density High temperature –a few  sec after big-bang –in relativistic heavy ion collision

Phase Diagram of Hadronic Matter from hadro-chemical analysis At SPS and AGS, the freeze-out points approach the “boundary”. RHIC and LHC should show clearer signal of phase transition

R elativistic H eavy I on C ollider (RHIC) The first collider for –Heavy Ions: e.g. Au+Au at 200A GeV current max: 18A GeV (CERN SPS) –Polarized Protons at 500 GeV current max: 20 GeV (FNAL) RIKEN BNL Collaboration pp luminosity is for enhanced mode. RHIC Accelerator Specification

STAR Detector in Assembly Hall

PHENIX at Experimental Hall

PHENIX Priorities in Year Sufficient Au+Au running to –Turn-on, calibrate, commission all installed detectors –Reach 20  b -1 integrated L (to tape) 2. Polarized proton commissioning in one ring 3. Anything else (e.g. p+A, lower E, lighter A) Coherent request with STAR RHIC Spin Collaboration ( spokesman: G. Bunce ) proposal –4 weeks of commissioning in the first year

Gluons at RHIC Completely new domain of studies –polarized gluon,  G(x) one of the major interests in RHIC Spin physics –even unpolarized gluon G(x) highest energy in pp collisions; any energy dependent systematic uncertainty? –“EMC effect” in gluon pA and AA; how gluons behave in nuclei? provide a basis of “exotic search” in AA –J/  suppression ; open heavy flavor production –nuclear shadowing effect

Unpolarized Gluon Distribution Comparison of the most recent analysis normalized to MRST central –MRST distribution hep-ph/ versions of g(x) = 0.0, 0.4, 0.64 GeV –MRST(g↑) high gluon –MRST central –MRST(g↓) low gluon –CTEQ4M PR D55 (97) 1280 –CTEQ5 to be released with new k T analysis