C. Tester
Entering Class: Sit in your assigned seats every day unless I let you know otherwise. Be in your seat when the bell rings Get any homework out from the day before and pass to the front Have paper and a pen/pencil before class starts Review the Daily Agenda Begin bell work assignment
Books: We will have a class set of text books If we need a book for the day it will be on the daily agenda If you need to check out a book to take home just let me know and you will be able to take one home
Cell Phones: You will be allowed to use cell phones for educational purposes. Do not have your phone out sitting on your desk, even if it is off. Have it put away out of sight. If you want to look something up just ask me if you can get it out first.
Food: If you have a drink make sure it has a top No snacks or food
After an excused absence: Come and see me before class starts, at the end of class, or before/after school I will get you any work that you have missed but it is your responsibility to come to me and get that missed work Any extra help that you need set up a time with me and we will get you the help you need
Classroom Guidelines: Be Respectful (respect others, respect property) Be Responsible (for your work and actions) Be Reasonable (in completing assignments and in making requests)
Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the Central Gwinnett handbooks. Follow all classroom rules and guidelines. Failure to follow these will result in: 1 st Warning and documentation 2 nd Action Plan, Parental Contact, and detention 3 rd Disciplinary Referral
Class Dismissal: The teacher dismisses you, not the bell Do not start packing up prior to the bell Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you