COMOESTAS – Grant agreement no Final Conference, Buenos Aires, November 26 th, Potential benefits of IEPR application in other chronic health problems Parkinson’s Disease (S. Cristina, IRCCS Mondino - Pavia (S. Cristina, IRCCS Mondino - Pavia M. Pagani, A. Stoppini, CBIM - Pavia)
COMOESTAS – Grant agreement no Final Conference, Buenos Aires, November 26 th, 2010 IRCCS Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri Clinica del Lavoro e della Riabilitazione, Pavia (fondatore) Università degli Studi, Pavia (fondatore) IRCCS Fondazione Policlinico San Matteo,Pavia (fondatore) IRCCS Fondazione Istituto Neurologico Casimiro Mondino, Pavia (fondatore) Ospedale di Circolo Fondazione Macchi, Varese IRCCS Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Roma Azienda Ospedaliera della Provincia di Pavia IUSS – Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, Pavia Consorzio di Bioingegneria e Informatica Medica (CBIM)
COMOESTAS – Grant agreement no Final Conference, Buenos Aires, November 26 th, Previous experiences in using ICT for the assistance of Parkinson’s disease The Consorzio di Bioingegneria e Informatica Medica (CBIM) took part to the project “Regional excellence network for the assistance Parkinson’s disease” promoted by Istituto IRCCS C. Mondino in Pavia
COMOESTAS – Grant agreement no Final Conference, Buenos Aires, November 26 th, Targets The primary target of the project was the planning and implementation of a functional system to improve the care of patients suffering from Parkinson's disease At regional level: Ai National level
COMOESTAS – Grant agreement no Final Conference, Buenos Aires, November 26 th, CBIM Activities Activation of an access infrastructure Dissemination of scientific documentation Implementation of the Minimum Data Set Planning and realization of distance learning courses - FAD
COMOESTAS – Grant agreement no Final Conference, Buenos Aires, November 26 th, Activation access infrastructure of Operating Units
COMOESTAS – Grant agreement no Final Conference, Buenos Aires, November 26 th, Dissemination of scientific documentation
COMOESTAS – Grant agreement no Final Conference, Buenos Aires, November 26 th, Implementation of the Minimum Data Set Patient Master IndexPatient Master Index Data about diseaseData about disease DiagnosisDiagnosis Scale CIRSScale CIRS Pharmacological and surgical therapyPharmacological and surgical therapy
COMOESTAS – Grant agreement no Final Conference, Buenos Aires, November 26 th, 2010 Corso FAD: tremore - descrizione Planning and realization of distance learning courses - FAD
COMOESTAS – Grant agreement no Final Conference, Buenos Aires, November 26 th, 2010 Corso FAD: tremore - descrizione Planning and realization of distance learning courses - FAD
COMOESTAS – Grant agreement no Final Conference, Buenos Aires, November 26 th, Potential exploitation of Comoestas’ products and services ProductApplicationBenefis COMOESTAS Website MOH management Transfer of MOH information and new knowledge; web-based education and training Electronic patient record and database MOH’ epidemiological and clinical studies Database from about 600 MOH patients of 6 different countries (Italy, Denmark, Germany, Argentina, Chile and Spain). Electronic Diary Module MOH management Health problems requiring daily or weekly control that may benefit from an alarm system when they exceed certain thresholds Patient empowerment Increase in treatment compliance Cost reduction by the reduction of unnecessary doctor’s visits and late diagnosis of other conditions Improved outcome of disease Improved quality of life for patients Reduction of side-effects and co- morbidities Alert and Decision Support and Second Opinion Module MOH management Shared care between primary and specialized care. “Home care” Coordination among different care levels. Strengthening of integration among doctors Care continuity from the patient’s perspective. Accessibility improvement Guidelines for MOH management in the clinical practice MOH management New standards in the clinical management of MOH based on assessment of project’ results