Dinosaurs by Francesca
Many millions of years ago reptiles ruled the world. The biggest of the reptiles were the dinosaurs. The name ‘dinosaur’ means ‘terrible lizard’.
Some of the dinosaurs were the biggest animals ever to live on land. Brachiosaurus was the giant of them all. It was as heavy as ten elephants. Brontosaurus was also huge. Most of the largest dinosaurs were peaceful creatures and ate only plants.
Tryannosaurus Rex Its name means ‘King of Tyrants’. Tyrannosaurus had huge jaws with long, sharp teeth. It walked on its back legs which were as thick as tree trunks. Its front legs were tiny and of no use.
Some dinosaurs had bony armour to protect themselves.
Some dinosaurs could fly.
No one has ever seen a dinosaur. Only their skeletons remain in the rocks. Their skeletons show that dinosaurs were not clever animals. The very largest had a brain the size of a hen’s egg.
I hope you have enjoyed my powerpoint. THE END