Expert Competence for Innovation: Social Media and Web Technologies Arianit Kurti January 10 th, 2012
Aim of the project The main goals of this project is to explore and develop a sustainable model that will allow the creation and development of a flexible program of study that combine and make use of our research expertise in the field with the genuine business and industrial experience available in the industries and the community.
Initial Outcomes Providing master program at different granularity levels (collection of courses, one course, modules within the course) Courses within our program will be developed together with industries We will create ”company clusters” that will have a special interest in a particular content related to specific courses. The entire courses so far in the program has been developed with inputs and/or direct involvement of companies.
Connection to research The content and the focus of our master program is closely related to the research we carry out at our department within Centre for Learning and Knowledge Technologies (CeLeKT) The knowledge generated in the research projects will be spin off together with companies in a advance level courses to meet the actual needs and wider dissemination. Opportunity to actively be involved in the research projects.
Connection to industries Possible lines of cooperation with IT industries that we have identified so far include but are not limited to: Guest lectures Study visits Internships Cases form industries for assignments in courses Academic placements Master thesis Code Camps Trainee programs Internat based courses “In the way home” seminars
Flexible education The flexibility of our educational program is one of the most important aspects that we will focus on this project The course schedule and content (to accommodate the program to the needs of the employees and the trends) The course location (varieties between campus lectures, distance learning and in workplace practice) Recording lectures and making them available online Bringing substantial research expertise from our group in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning.