1.3 Points, Lines and Planes
Point Has no dimension Has no dimension Represented by a small dot Represented by a small dot Named by a capital print letter Named by a capital print letter No symbol No symbol
Line Has one dimension Has one dimension Extends without end in two directions Extends without end in two directions Represented by a line with 2 arrowheads Represented by a line with 2 arrowheads Named by 2 points or a lowercase, script letter Named by 2 points or a lowercase, script letter Symbol Symbol
Collinear Points Points on the same line Points on the same line
Noncollinear Points Points not on the same line Points not on the same line
Plane Has 2 dimensions Has 2 dimensions Flat surface that extends without end Flat surface that extends without end Represented by a parallelogram Represented by a parallelogram Named by three noncollinear points or capital, script letter Named by three noncollinear points or capital, script letter No symbol No symbol
Coplanar On the same plane On the same plane Lines can be coplanar Lines can be coplanar Points can be coplanar Points can be coplanar
Noncoplanar NOT on the same plane NOT on the same plane
Segment Part of a line Part of a line Has a beginning and an end (both are called endpoints) Has a beginning and an end (both are called endpoints) Named by the two endpoints Named by the two endpoints Symbol Symbol
Ray Part of a line Part of a line Has a beginning (called an endpoint) and continues forever in ONE direction Has a beginning (called an endpoint) and continues forever in ONE direction Named by the endpoint and one other point to show direction Named by the endpoint and one other point to show direction Symbol Symbol
Examples Name the points Name the points Name the lines Name the lines Name the plane Name the plane Name the collinear points Name the collinear points Name the coplanar points Name the coplanar points Name the coplanar lines Name the coplanar lines
Name the non coplanar lines Name the non coplanar lines Name the segments Name the segments Name the rays Name the rays
Homework Assignment # 1 Assignment # 1 Textbook page 17 Textbook page 17 Problems Problems Write the Problems (yes, that means draw the pictures and write the sentences) Write the Problems (yes, that means draw the pictures and write the sentences)