11 WIPO Technical Assistance & Capacity Building Programs and Activities in Asia and the Pacific Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Bureau for Asia and the Pacific
12 Technical Assistance & Capacity Building Programs and Activities 2
13 3 WIPO’s Mandate for Providing Legal and Technical Assistance Article 4 of WIPO Convention provides that WIPO shall, inter alia, “offer its cooperation to States requesting legal-technical assistance in the field of intellectual property.” Article 4 of WIPO Convention provides that WIPO shall, inter alia, “offer its cooperation to States requesting legal-technical assistance in the field of intellectual property.”
14 Guiding Principles Member driven; request driven Member driven; request driven Responsive to the changing environment, circumstances, sensitivities and priorities Responsive to the changing environment, circumstances, sensitivities and priorities Consideration of the evolution of the IP system, new emerging issues and the broad objectives of development Consideration of the evolution of the IP system, new emerging issues and the broad objectives of development Widest coverage Widest coverage Use of local and regional expertise Use of local and regional expertise Constant evaluation Constant evaluation 4
15 5 Approach and Tools of Delivery Approach: country-specific, need-oriented, demand-driven, integrated and holistic, and cost- effective Approach: country-specific, need-oriented, demand-driven, integrated and holistic, and cost- effective Tools of delivery: nationally focused action plans (NFAPs), focused seminars, interactive workshops, training programs, fellowships, expert/advisory missions, projects, country studies, etc. Tools of delivery: nationally focused action plans (NFAPs), focused seminars, interactive workshops, training programs, fellowships, expert/advisory missions, projects, country studies, etc. Targeted groups: IP administrators, policy makers, enforcement officials, judges, as well as user community such as inventors, creators, SMEs, academia and R&D institutions, etc. Targeted groups: IP administrators, policy makers, enforcement officials, judges, as well as user community such as inventors, creators, SMEs, academia and R&D institutions, etc.
16 Focus Areas Development of national IP policies and strategies Development of national IP policies and strategies More efficient IP infrastructure in developing countries and LDCs More efficient IP infrastructure in developing countries and LDCs 6 Enhanced awareness IP and its contribution to development Enhanced awareness IP and its contribution to development Updated IP legislation in support of development goals Updated IP legislation in support of development goals Improved exploitation and effective use of IP for economic growth Improved exploitation and effective use of IP for economic growth
17 Types of Assistance Legislative assistance Legislative assistance Human resource development & capacity building Human resource development & capacity building 7 Development of IP policy and strategy Development of IP policy and strategy Modernization of IP administration system Modernization of IP administration system Promotion of innovation & creative activity Promotion of innovation & creative activity Development & management of IP assets Development & management of IP assets Promotion of sub-regional cooperation in IP Promotion of sub-regional cooperation in IP
18 Bilateral Cooperation with Countries in the Region 8 Activities: roundtables, training courses, seminars and long-term fellowships, etc. Activities: roundtables, training courses, seminars and long-term fellowships, etc. Countries: Japan (FIT), Australia (Framework Agreement), Singapore (Memorandum of Understanding), Republic of Korea (FIT), and China (ad-hoc basis) Countries: Japan (FIT), Australia (Framework Agreement), Singapore (Memorandum of Understanding), Republic of Korea (FIT), and China (ad-hoc basis) Bilateral cooperation agreements with several countries in the region for joint programs and activities for training and developing human resources in the region. Bilateral cooperation agreements with several countries in the region for joint programs and activities for training and developing human resources in the region.
19 Cooperation with Institutions in the Region 9 Cooperation agreements with several national institutions in the region for training and developing human resources. Cooperation agreements with several national institutions in the region for training and developing human resources. Organizes a broad range of capacity-building programs and activities with the following institutions: Organizes a broad range of capacity-building programs and activities with the following institutions: - Sri Lanka Foundation Institute - Sri Lanka Foundation Institute -International Property Training Institute (IIPTI), Republic of Korea -International Property Training Institute (IIPTI), Republic of Korea -China Intellectual Property Training Center (CIPTC) -China Intellectual Property Training Center (CIPTC) -Institute for Intellectual Property Development (IIPD), India -Institute for Intellectual Property Development (IIPD), India -Intellectual Property Training Center, Malaysia
110 Number of Activities in Asia and the Pacific in ( regional, sub-regional and national ) meetings and training courses 53 ( regional, sub-regional and national ) meetings and training courses 5 study visits organized 5 study visits organized 4 long-term fellowship programs 4 long-term fellowship programs 13 advisory/expert missions undertaken 13 advisory/expert missions undertaken 61 equipment units delivered to the countries 61 equipment units delivered to the countries 1420 participants directly benefited from WIPO programs and activities in the region 1420 participants directly benefited from WIPO programs and activities in the region
111 Supporting Small and Medium- Sized Enterprises (SMEs) 11 Recent activities: Recent activities: - WIPO Regional Workshop on Technology Management for Promoting Transfer of Technology and IP Transactions, Singapore, July International Pat Licensing Sem, Tokyo, Jan 2006; - Regional Seminar on International Negotiations on IP, Daejeon, Nov; - Workshop on the Use of IP, Pakistan, June Promote a more active and effective use of the IP system by SMEs Promote a more active and effective use of the IP system by SMEs Strengthen the capacity of national governments to develop strategies, policies and programs to meet the IP needs of SMEs Strengthen the capacity of national governments to develop strategies, policies and programs to meet the IP needs of SMEs Improve the capacity of relevant public, private and civil society institutions, such as business and industry associations, to provide IP-related services to SMEs Improve the capacity of relevant public, private and civil society institutions, such as business and industry associations, to provide IP-related services to SMEs
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