News article activity Aim- 1. Find three examples of festive, obstructive and destructive protests around the world then highlight the main points. 2. Write a newspaper article on one of the protests you have researched.
Protests around the world Find three news articles on a protest- use three different newspapers. Festive( peaceful, relaxed, joyful) demonstration ( protest, movement) obstructive ( civil unrest, stopped) demonstration (protest, action, movement) destructive (violent, unruly, angry) demonstration (protest, riot, action) Paste them onto a word or publisher document 1. Only can only use a database. 2. You must reference the website Author’s last name, First name. Web Page Title.” Title of larger website if there is one. Date of last update. Sponsoring agency. Date of access Note-Example of referencing from a database
Note-Example of referencing from a database with no author “Bolivia Declares US Ambassador Persona Non Grata.” Deutsche Press-Agentur 11 September 2008: N.Pag. Global Newsbank. Griffith Library, Ruamrudee International School, Bangkok. 19 September
Instructions on using the databases 1. Open the school website then open resources then Griffith Library
2. Then open the ‘NewsBank’ Database. 3. You will be asked for a username and password username – ruamrudee password - ruamrudee
4.Open ‘NewsBank with Periodicals and statistics (1996-current)’
5. Choose reading level- Easier and limit to-newspaper, wire services, radio and TV transcripts. Write in your search word in for – e.g. peaceful protest Now you can start your search
Main points Highlight the main points of the article Highlight the words or phrases that inform you that the protest is festive – yellow. Highlight the words or phrases that inform you that the protest is destructive- red Highlight the words or phrases that inform you that the protest is obstructive - green.
NEWS REPORT ASSIGNMENT Write a news report on one of the three protests you have researched. Your focus is- ‘What sort of protest was it?’ You will need to research your topic. Use the ‘The Five W’s (and one H)’. limit your word count to words.
Print News Report Overview/Layout THE NEWS REPORT IS A GENRE FOCUSED ON THEIR AUDIENCES AND USES PERSUASIVE WRITING SKILLS. In today’s society news reports differ depending on the type of newspaper, their audience, their advertisers and many other factors. However these are the key elements which will guide your writing. WORD LIMIT IS CRUCIAL! Editors will not accept reports which are over the word limit as they have deadlines to meet and a limited amount of room.
Checklist: CATCHY HEADLINE {This is to entice the reader to buy the newspaper and read the article} Can also have a SUB HEADLINE {This gives the reader more information as a ‘teaser’ to the article} Introductory paragraph – The 5 W’s Second and third paragraphs elaborate on the story. This is where you include more information about the event like other people involved, details of what happened.
The Five W’s (and one H) 1. Who? 2. What? 3. Where? 4. When? 5. Why? 6. How? I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. by Rudyard Kipling in his "Just So Stories" (1902),Rudyard KiplingJust So Stories1902