Current Status of KAGUYA 1 Overview of SELENE(KAGUYA) and HDTV Movie show SELENE Project Team Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) LCROSS Workshop at ARC Feb. 29, 2008 H. Okumura, K. Matsui, S. Sobue, Y. Takizawa and SELENE Project
Current Status of KAGUYA 2 Among all the varied suggested nicknames, about 24 percent suggested names related to “Princess Kaguya” from the old classic Japanese story “Taketori Monogatari (or the story of a bamboo cutter and the princess from the Moon.)” From among these names, “KAGUYA” accounted for almost 70 percent. It appears that SELENE, which travels to the Moon, reminds many people of “Princess Kaguya,” who returned to the Moon. What is the meaning of “KAGUYA” ?
Current Status of KAGUYA 3 1. Objectives –Global survey of the Moon To research the origin and evolution of the Moon by observing the distribution of the elements and minerals on the surface, the structure of the surface and subsurface, the gravity field, the remnant of the magnetic field and the environment of energetic particles and plasma of the Moon –Data Application to Future Moon Utilization To be used for future activities on the Moon and the possibility of future utilization of the Moon –Public Outreach To make a public outreach by taking pictures and movies of the beautiful Earth rising from the Moon using its onboard High Definition Television System 2. User Services SELENE (KAGUYA) scientific observation data will be made available to the public through SELENE homepage after finishing scientific validation and verification by mission instrument teams. Objectives and Roles of KAGUYA
Current Status of KAGUYA 4 Overview of KAGUYA Satellite Bus equipmentMission equipment High Definition Television (HDTV) Gamma-ray Spectrometer (GRS) Terrain Camera (TC) Multi-band Imager (MI) RSTAR(OKINA) PACE Solar array paddle VSTAR(OUNA) 500N thruster Omni antenna X-ray Spectrometer (XRS) Charged Particle Spectrometer (CPS) High gain antenna Upper Atmosphere and Plasma Imager (UPI) Star tracker Plasma Energy Angle and Composition Experiment (PACE) Heat radiation panel1N thruster Laser Altimeter (LALT) To the Moon Spectral Profiler (SP)
Current Status of KAGUYA 5 Schedule
Current Status of KAGUYA 6 Orbit of KAGUYA Main Orbiter Mission Orbit: Circular orbit, Altitude 100km Inclination 90 degree Small satellites Orbit: (Initial Orbit) [Relay Satellite] Elliptical orbit (100km x 2400km),90 deg. [VRAD Satellite] Elliptical orbit (100km x 800km), 90 deg. Direction of the Earth KAGUYA Main Orbiter OKINA (RSTAR) OUNA (VSTAR) North South KAGUYA’s orbit on Feb. 15, D Orbit viewer for KAGUYA (English ver.) will be Open on April !! We can see KAGUYA’s orbit in real time via JAXA website.
Current Status of KAGUYA 7 Terrain Camera (TC) Specification Initial Observation Images Orthorectified Image DTM Image
Current Status of KAGUYA 8 HDTV Movie - South Pole in Summer- “What is Shackleton Crater like?" NASA LAT phase1 Bussey - Lunar Polar Illumination Video: Oct 30, 2007 at 22:06 (JST) From near South Pole To the Drygalski crater x8 speed recorded
Current Status of KAGUYA 9 “What is Shackleton Crater like?" Drygalski Shackleton Sverdrup HDTV Movie - South Pole in Summer-
Current Status of KAGUYA 10 HDTV Movie - South Pole in Summer - Please Visit the JAXA Digital Archive. mode=search&genre=4&category=4064&mission=4067
Current Status of KAGUYA 11 Shackleton Mt. Malapert Sverdrup HDTV Movie – Earth Set in South Pole - In the future, Astronauts might be seeing the same scene when they return to the moon.
Current Status of KAGUYA 12 HDTV Movie – Earth Set - Please visit the JAXA Digital Archive. c3d5&mode=search&genre=4&category=4064&mission=4067
Current Status of KAGUYA 13 Summary SELENE(KAGUYA) was launched from Tanegashima Space Center on Sep Initial instruments checkout was completed and nominal observation was started on Dec You can see beautiful images and movies taken by SELENE(KAGUYA) on the following webpage. –KAGUYA Image Gallery –JAXA Video Archive =4064&mission=4067&format=-1&keyword=&submit=Search The latest result of KAGUYA science missions will be shown at LPSC Mar