1 Science Starter Military Robots Video Instructions: On your paper describe these robots. Then describe the various tools that are being used to test the robots in the video. Also write whether or not you think the tests were successful, and what modifications could be made to make it better. 9/11/15
TCAP Objectives SPI 0807.T/E.1 Prototype Testing Essential Learning Students will identify tools and procedures needed to test a prototype. Essential Question What are appropriate tools and procedures used in testing a prototype? Notes Science
3 SPI 0807.T.E.1 (Prototype Testing) Right now you’re probably thinking.. What is a prototype?? Prototype a rough draft or model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed or copied. Prototype:
4 Prototypes allow you to test how your product will work and even show the product to users for feedback. Why do scientists design prototypes???
5 What are the appropriate tools needed to test prototypes Scientists need certain tools in order to test their prototype, these tools include but are not limited to:
SPI 0807.T/E.1 Identify the tools and procedures needed to test the design features of a prototype (1) (3) (2) (4) (5) Notes Steps 4 and 5 are the steps of the EDP where we test our prototypes SPI 0807.T.E.1 (Prototype Testing) SPI 0807.T/E.2 (Eng. Design Process)
SPI 0807.T/E.1 (Prototype Testing) Engineering Design Process-Prototype Testing The 4 th step in the eng. design process is testing your prototype Often, the prototype does not work very well at first Testing a prototype can be dangerous (see picture below) By testing the prototype, the designers find problems to fix They fix the problems and then test it again. They repeat this over & over. (This is step 5 of the eng design process.) Here is a picture of Orville and Wilbur Wright testing their prototype airplane Notes Science
SPI 0807.T/E.1 (Prototype Testing) The procedures and tools for testing a prototype are dependent upon the type of technology and the purpose for that technology. For Example: You would not test a new cell phone the same way you would test a new jet airplane or a new football helmet. Discuss These Questions: A) How would you test a prototype of a new type of eyeglasses? B) How would you test a prototype of a new type of headache medicine? C) How would you test a prototype of a new type of camping tent? SPI 0807.T/E.1 Identify the tools and procedures needed to test the design features of a prototype Notes Science
Notes SPI 0807.T.E.1 (Prototype Testing) SPI 0807.T/E.2 (Eng. Des. Process) Prototype Testing in the Movies -From the movie "Batman Begins" Story summary: Billionaire Bruce Wayne's parents are murdered by a criminal when he is boy. So he vows to fight crime as a vigilante when he grows to manhood. Yet he has no superpowers, so he instead uses technology devices to enable him to fulfill his mission. Science
SPI 0807.T.E.1 (Prototype Testing) SPI 0807.T/E.2 (Eng. Des. Process) In this scene Mr. Fox is showing Mr. Wayne a prototype of a special material called "memory cloth." Bruce later uses this cloth to make a cape that allows him to glide through the air Notes Science Prototype Testing in the Movies -From the movie "Batman Begins"
Prototype Testing in the Movies -From the movie "Batman Begins" Notes Science SPI 0807.T.E.1 (Prototype Testing) SPI 0807.T/E.2 (Eng. Des. Process) In this scene Mr. Fox is showing Mr. Wayne a prototype of a special vehicle called "the Tumbler." Bruce later paints it black and uses it as his "Batmobile" vehicle. Does it come in black? How do you like it?
SPI 0807.T.E.1 (Prototype Testing) SPI 0807.T/E.2 (Eng. Des. Process) In this scene Alfred is testing the prototype of Batman's mask by hitting it with a baseball bat. It fails the test and breaks, so they must modify it and re-test it. Notes Science Prototype Testing in the Movies -From the movie "Batman Begins"
Notes Science SPI 0807.T.E.1 (Prototype Testing) SPI 0807.T/E.2 (Eng. Des. Process) In this scene Bruce is making and then testing one of his bat-shaped throwing "stars"
SPI 0807.T.E.1 (Prototype Testing) SPI 0807.T/E.2 (Eng. Des. Process) In this scene Peter Parker is making and testing his "web shooters." Notes Science Prototype Testing in the Movies -From the movie "The Amazing Spiderman" EDP Step 3: Make the prototype EDP Step 4: Test the prototype
SPI 0807.T.E.1 (Prototype Testing) SPI 0807.T/E.2 (Eng. Des. Process) Watch Video Clip -See Peter Parker (A.K.A. Spiderman) test his webshooter prototype in his "lab" and "in the field." Link: Spiderman video ClipSpiderman video Clip Notes Science Prototype Testing in the Movies -From the movie "The Amazing Spiderman"
16 Turn and talk: What type of tests did Peter use to try out his new web? Do you think the tests were successful? What modifications could have made the web better? SPI 0807.T.E.1 (Prototype Testing) SPI 0807.T/E.2 (Eng. Des. Process
17 I AM IRON MAN!! Prototype Testing in movies: “Iron man” Turn and talk: What type of tests did Tony Stark use to try out his new suit? Do you think the tests were successful? What modifications could have made the suit better? SPI 0807.T.E.1 (Prototype Testing) SPI 0807.T/E.2 (Eng. Des. Process
19 “Fist of 5” How well do you understand the tools needed to test prototypes and prototype testing? 5 fingers- I totally understand 4 fingers- I understand most of it 3 fingers- I got the gist of it but still need extra help 2 fingers- I don’t understand any of it 1 finger- I am completely lost