Elements of the Gothic Novel
In your notebooks, tell me your favorite scary story. Make this as detailed as possible; it should take you several minutes to tell your story.
In your notebooks, tell me about your favorite horror movie. Tell about your favorite scene or the entire plot, if you like.
What are some elements of a good horror movie?
Elements of the Gothic Novel Emerged in England in the late eighteenth century Adopted the setting of the medieval Gothic castle: Pointed arches and vaults, dark dungeons, sliding doors, underground passages, turrets Used to evoke fear Later expanded to include any fiction that created a haunting atmosphere Gothic fiction includes strange events such as live burials, horrifying tortures, hypnotism, and resurrection of corpses Edgar Allan Poe was the master of the American Gothic novel He used symbolic devices to make readers think about his real subject: the workings of the human mind
Elements of the Gothic Novel 1. Setting in a castle 2. An atmosphere of mystery and suspense 3. An ancient prophecy 4. Omens, visions, threatening portent 5. Supernatural or otherwise unexplainable events 6. High, even extreme or excessive emotion 7. Women in distress 8. Women threatened by a powerful, impulsive, tyrannical male 9. Gloom and horror 10. The vocabulary of the gothic
Gothic?? Or Gothic??
Using the picture you have been given, begin a story. Your story should talk about what is going on in the picture. If you like, start with this picture as your opening scene. Or, pick up in the middle and start from there. Be creative!
Discuss Now, share and discuss why the picture conveys these feelings and what images gave them this mood or feeling.
RANSOM NOTE! Using at least ______ of the words you have been given, create a ransom note. Be clear about who you are writing to, who you have, what your demands are, and what will happen if your demands are not met.