Pronoun Cases
Subjective pronouns – These words take the place of nouns or other pronouns and work as the subject of a verb. The person or object referred to is doing the action.
Examples: He, she, we, I, you, they, it
Practice: 1. Diana asked herself where she could have put the book. She refers to Diana, and she is the one who put the book somewhere. 2. We helped ourselves to tacos and rice. We refers to the speaker and one or more other people. The speaker and the others are the ones who helped themselves to the food.
Objective pronouns – These words take the place of nouns or other pronouns and work as the object of a verb. The person or object referred to is receives the action.
Examples: Him, her, us, me, you, them, it
Practice 1. Anthony will call her to get directions. Her refers to some female that Anthony will call. The girl is receiving the call, not making the call. 2. Our family will take them to the fair. Them refers to another group of people that will ride with our family. The people being referred to will receive the action of being taken to the fair.
Possessive pronouns – These words take the place of nouns or other pronouns and show ownership or possession.
Examples: my, mine, our, ours, your, yours, his, hers, its, their, theirs
Practice 1. Call your mother. Your is used to show that the mother belongs to the person being spoken to. 2. My aunt sold her car. Her is used to show that the car is owned by the speaker’s aunt.