Student Registration Procedures for Self-Service Version 1.1 Registration begins Monday, March 30 at 8:30am If you do not know who your advisor is or want to change your advisor or major, please contact the Records office at extension 2529.
Obtain Course Schedule from UC website Prerequisites are not checked on computer! Obtain a copy of official course schedule at UC web site – ‘Academics’, ‘Class Schedule’ Logon to Self-Service Add/remove courses from your cart Submit courses to advisor for approval He will receive automatic from you You will receive an when advisor approves/denies Check Self-Service for approved courses Add additional courses at any time Drop courses already approved Finish registration process in August
Logon using your UC-ID and password Can’t remember password You will be logged off after 30 minutes of no activity
Before we start, let’s check to make sure you have your address set properly.
You may change your password and security question here. We need to make sure your address is correct – click on ‘Account Information’.
1. Make sure this address is the you will be reading. It can be any valid address. Then click ‘Save’ 2. Click ‘Register’
Click ‘Register for Courses’
If you get this message, you must see Student Financial Services (DB602). You cannot register at this time.
Good News! You are ready to register for fall classes. Click ‘2009/Fall’
Your cart will show empty if you have not entered any courses or previous entries have been approved or denied by your advisor. Click ‘Section Search’ to add courses to cart.
Enter course. Must be entered as aaaa nnn or aaa nnn. Click ‘Search” Note double space. You MUST pay close attention to prerequisites listed in the schedule. Your advisor will not approve classes you are not qualified to take.
‘Search’ may return multiple sections. Click ‘Add’ on the section you wish to add to your cart. Seats available in a limited class 999 means unlimited
Shows that course is added. You may view your schedule or make another search.
If you chose to view your cart, all courses in cart would show here. You may remove All courses from your cart (‘Empty Cart’) or add additional courses (‘Add Section’).
Click ‘Remove’ if you no longer want a course in your cart.
‘View Schedule’ – note status of courses.
If you are ready to submit cart for approval click ‘Register’
Shows classes you have requested to register. You may click ‘Previous’ if you are not ready. Once you click ‘Next’ your courses ARE submitted to your advisor for approval. You may uncheck a course you are not ready to have approved
Now shows your schedule with courses waiting approval. Click ‘Finish’ to continue.
This only means that you have submitted your classes for approval by your advisor. The registration process will be completed in August.
You may request to drop a course you no longer want to take.
generated when your advisor has reviewed your request
Have questions about classes you wish to take Contact your advisor Don’t know who your advisor is or wish to change advisors Contact Records Office extension 2529 Can’t get logged on to Self-Service Contact Information Systems extension 2511 Have a stop message and can’t register for classes Contact Student Financial Services extension 2505
That’s all there is… Good Luck!