Preparing for Opening Day through Week 2 Jenni Keith
Spring Semester Timeline Monday, January 15 Courses Begin, Ck addresses Boston College Participant Pre Survey Registration and Completion Friday, January 19 Send private to no shows, inviting in, requesting contact & notifying of drop policy Monday, January 22 PHONE no shows inviting in & notifying of drop policy Tuesday, January 23, 7-8P EST Wimba eConference: Building a Learning Community – Liz Farmer, Presenter Wednesday, January 24 Notify no shows to contact you NOW or be dropped on Thursday, Jan 25 Thursday, January 25 Final Drop Date Monday, January 29 Boston College Pre Survey Closes – Participants who miss the pre survey window, may still register and should still take the post survey at the end of the course. Official enrollment reported on Boston College Class Manager site Tuesday, February 6, 7-8P EST Wimba eConference: Participant Progress and Assessment
First Contacts Welcome – Posting, signature Undeliverables –Be a detective! Districts Map Orientation Forum Course Expectations
Participant Data You Will Receive eCollege – Confirmations, demographic info, usernames & passwords BB - List of Credentials from Anne
Participant Data Collection Collect demographic data –Registration confirmation –BB Personal Info Entry, Orientation forum Record reasons for drops Update throughout semester Post in PD Provider Community when requested
Boston College Surveys Participants Register First Then complete Pre-Survey Ck completion on Class Manager Site Entry in Gradebook Public & Private s Phone Calls if necessary Support
Online PD Course Drop Policy Because KDE, KVHS, and e-Learning Kentucky want to be good stewards of state general funds and grant money and do not want to pay for virtual services, which educators do not use, the following is the procedure to drop a course. Participants are encouraged to drop a course if: –the registrant determines this course is not appropriate or will be more work than previously thought or –a registrant’s professional or personal situation has changed since course registration. After 10 days (January 25) from the course start date, participants who do not complete the activities required in the first unit of the course will be asked by their facilitators if they intend to complete the course. Participants not responding to this inquiry will be dropped from the course.