Section P-1 What are the properties of real numbers?
Real Numbers Symbol (R) May be described informally in many different ways
Natural Numbers Symbol (N) Also called counting numbers Examples: {1,2,3,4…..}
Whole Numbers Symbol (W) Also called counting numbers plus zero Examples: {0,1,2,3,4…..}
Integers Symbol (J) Positive and negative whole numbers Examples: {…-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3…}
Rational Numbers Symbol (Q) Numbers that can be written as fractions Ex: whole numbers 6/3=2 repeating decimals terminating decimals
Irrational Numbers Symbol (I) Non-terminating numbers Ex: π, Square root of 2 Ex: π, Square root of 2 Non-repeating decimals that never end Ex: …. Ex: ….
Quiz 1.Zero is a real number? 2.Real numbers are a subset of rational numbers? 3.Irrational numbers are not a subset of rational numbers 4.6/3 is a rational number 5.0 is a natural number
Quiz Answers 1.True2.False3.True4.True5.False
Define these properties Commutative Property Associative Property Distributive Property Identity Property Additive Inverse Property Multiplicative inverse Property Trichotomy Property
Vocabulary Additive Identity Multiplicative Identity Additive Inverse Multiplicative Inverse (aka ???)
Bounded Intervals Closed[a, b] Open(a, b) Half-Open [a, b) Half-Open(a, b] a and b are the endpoints of each interval
Unbounded Intervals Closed[a, ∞) Open (a, ∞) Closed(- ∞, a] Open (- ∞, a)
Properties of Exponents