Our Challenge – The Assignment Students are asked to find information on an issue with a global perspective. The example used was CITIZENSHIP. The students recorded where they would begin a search, what paths they would take, and what sources they would use in their investigations. We converted these textual explanations into graphical info-paths to better understand their current logic.
Dictionaries Establish a personal definition of citizenship Define Citizenship Personal Interviews Type in Citizenship… Definitions Figure out which countries have the most citizens and which have the least Dictionary-not specified Library-not specified Library Internet -not specified Personal Interviews- not specified Examine reasons why someone may want to pledge citizenship in a country other than the one they currently reside in Statistical Geographic Motives Student A Internet Search Engines Misc. Internet
Dictionaries Written Definition of Citizenship Personal Interviews B Dictionary-not specified Personal Interviews- People who are or have been citizens of other countries Establish how other people define citizenship Student B Definitions
Personal Interviews C Friend who is in the process of acquiring citizenship Establish how other people define citizenship Primary Documents Friend’s paperwork, regulations, and statiscs International Affairs Office on Campus Agencies/Departments International Visa Office Facts about citizenship Why is it difficult to gain citizenship Student C Definitions
Encyclopedias Encyclopedia - unspecified Definitions Basic meaning of citizenship Library-unspecified Library Internet Information about Citizenship Search for journals, books, and articles More Information about Citizenship Search for specific related books Other Libraries - unspecifiedUCF Libraries- Catalog, Databases Student E Library UCF Libraries- Catalog, Databases Library UCF Libraries- Catalog, Databases
Review several definitions of the word “citizenship” Definitions Dictionaries “Define Citizenship” Print Dictionaries -personal “Define Citizenship” Online Dictionaries -Dictionary.com -Bartelby.com -MerriamWebster.com Embellish or strengthen Internet Search Engines Type in Citizenship… Check for academic works that are recent, classic or avant-guard. See what pops up for the term itself UCF Library Library Databases Look for social Science Articles. Type in Citizenship… Possible links from other pages Student F eGov Sites & UN sites Misc. Internet
Type in Citizenship… Look at some articles? and go from there Misc. Internet Government sites Exploratory Student G American government online? Narrow topic Internet Search Engines
Dictionaries Encyclopedias Online Encyclopedias Follow Wikipedia’s ‘useful list of links’ for further information on specific issues of interest of citizenship Online Dictionaries -Dictionary.com “Define Citizenship” Immigration and naturalization procedures Rights and Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens U.S. constitution and the Bill of Rights, along with the writings of the Founding Fathers Internet Search Engines Definitions “Official definition” of citizenshipwww.INS.gov Misc. Internet Government Websites Possible links from other pages Library Library - unspecified Philosophy of Citizenship Plato’s Republic Information Source - unspecified scholar in South Africa? Student I
Find a literal definition of citizenship Definitions Print Dictionary (American Heritage) Dictionaries Misc. Internet Government web sites Look for ways different countries define citizenship and what kind of procedures people are put through to achieve citizenship Definitions Internet Search Engines Geographic Personal Accounts Blogs/Online Journals/Forums UCF Library Library Databases, Catalog Look for newspaper/magazine/journal articles and/or books on the subject for more factual and statistical information Legal If useful information was found, attempt an online interview with the poster or ask permission to use their information Student J
Encyclopedias Online Encyclopedias Definitions Basic meaning of citizenship Personal Accounts UCF Library Library Look for scholarly articles to lend a more objective stance Databases Misc. Internet Government web sites -unspecified Personal stories, opinions, theories about citizenship Views or experiences with citizenship programs Personal Accounts Views or experiences with citizenship programs Interview Random people Personal interviews Government websites would be helpful to balance out personal stories Online Encyclopedias Student K
Find a literal definition of citizenship Definitions Online Dictionary Dictionary.com Dictionaries Internet Search Engines Type in Citizenship… Read through some of the web results to get a better idea of the meaning and recent happenings involving citizenship Background Information Online Encyclopedias Encyclopedia - unspecified UCF Library Library Databases Look at some articles Exploratory Look up information Personal Accounts Speak to people who are knowledgeable in the profession Personal Accounts Personal interviews Student L
Encyclopedias Definitions Basic meaning of citizenship Online Encyclopedias Internet Search Engines Type in Citizenship… Online Dictionary Dictionary.com Dictionaries Look at some links and narrow search toward field of interest Exploratory Misc. Internet Government web sites - unspecifed Educational web sites - unspecifed If sources were to be used for a college paper, link only to.gov or.edu sources Student M
Geographic Definitions Online Dictionary Webster.com (“”has the most current definitions available) Dictionaries Misc. Internet Government web sites U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Review definitions of citizenship from United States and other countries Government web sites Citizenship and Immigration Services site for another country (other than the U.S.) Find a solid definition of citizenship Definitions Student N
Encyclopedias Definitions Basic meaning of citizenship Online Encyclopedias Internet Search Engines Search for “Citizenship laws of America”… Online Dictionary Dictionary.com Dictionaries Hopefully link to “an official U.S. website that is a reliable source for clearly defining the laws in America” Misc. Internet Government web sites - unspecifed …further my background of the word citizenship Possible links from other pages Legal Different types of citizenship Misc. Internet Different types of citizenship LegalWeb sites -unspecified Student P