CJK IMT 28 Xi’an, China 2-3 Jun CJK IMT 28, Xi’an, China 1/7 CJK-IMT Way forward on Chapter 4 of CJK White Paper by SIG-Future IMT ATARASHI, Hiroyuki
2/7 CJK IMT 28, Xi’an, China Introduction In the conference call on 25 May, 2011, the following timeline for the CJK White Paper by the SIG-Future IMT was agreed: At the Xi’an meeting, we will focus on the completion of Chapters 1, 2 and 3. After the Xi’an meeting, we will concentrate on the completion of remaining Chapters, such as 4 and 5. This material briefly summarizes the current status of Chapter 4 (Analysis part) and provides some relevant information to collect members’ views in the CJK IMT-WG #28 in Xi’an. In the Xi’an meeting, the overall way-forward on Chapter 4 should be agreed so that the detailed contents of this Chapter can be developed in the following conference calls among the SIG experts.
3/7 CJK IMT 28, Xi’an, China Status of Chapter 4 (Analysis part) Chapter 4 is prepared to show “estimation on required spectrum” in the CJK White Paper taking into account, Traffic demand in the AP region, Current available spectrum in the AP region, Network design (Spectrum efficiency), Analysis of the gap between demand and availability of capacity, etc. Currently, two proposals were presented to the SIG, but further detailed discussion would be required. Proposal from Mr. Zhang Calculations using some technical parameters, such as the number of cells in the region, cell spectrum efficiency, average IMT bandwidth, etc. Proposal from myself Simple calculations considering current available spectrum and continuous increase of spectrum demand. The following slides summarizes several issues to be considered.
4/7 CJK IMT 28, Xi’an, China Issues to be considered (1) Overall contents of Chapter 4 Inclusion of some analyses on “required spectrum” in the CJK WP would be useful to covey clear message to Administrations in the AP region towards WRC. Inclusion of specific figures on estimation of required spectrum? The figure(s) should be rough one(s) and regarded as preliminary results/examples. Detailed work should be conducted in ITU-R in the next study period after the development of WRC-15/16 agenda item. The figure(s) should be reasonable and practical target(s) for the IMT bands identification at WRC-15/16. Too aggressive target would not be appropriate. It would be beneficial if the figure(s) are well aligned the considerations by Administrations. Inclusion of different analyses? It may not need to limit a single analysis at this time as far as the different analyses are not contradict one another.
5/7 CJK IMT 28, Xi’an, China Issues to be considered (2) Relationship between Report ITU-R M.2078? Report ITU-R M.2078 on spectrum estimates for IMT was developed before WRC-07. This Report shows the predicted spectrum requirement in the year 2010, 2015 and Do we need to analyze between the prediction and real world, at least, for the time frame? Any other issues? Title of the Chapter This should be updated in accordance with progress of its contents. etc.
6/7 CJK IMT 28, Xi’an, China (Reference) Administrations Views Japan: The Action Plan for Future Wireless Broadband in Japan (Nov. 2010) Current available mobile spectrum is around 500 MHz. An additional 300 MHz frequency bandwidth below 5 GHz for future mobile communication system, wireless sensor system for ITS, Smart Meter and others could be required to be assigned by 2015 The frequency bandwidth of MHz including the above mentioned additional 300 MHz frequency bandwidth could be required to be assigned by 2020 for future IMT system, aeronautical, ship and railway system and others. US: The National Broadband Plan (March 2010) Make 500 MHz of spectrum newly available for broadband within 10 years, of which 300 MHz should be made available for mobile use within five years. Australia: Towards Future spectrum requirements for mobile broadband (May 2011) Current mobile spectrum “in use” is around 380 MHz in 2007 and additional mobile spectrum expected to be released in next few years will be 396 MHz (i.e., totally 776MHz) (See Figure 4.2). Expected spectrum demand is 932 MHz in 2015 and 1,081 MHz in 2020 (See Figure 4.3).
7/7 CJK IMT 28, Xi’an, China (Reference) Report ITU-R M.2078 Table 25 shows predicted spectrum requirements (MHz) in the year 2010, 2015 and 2020 for both RATG1 (i.e. pre-IMT, IMT-2000, and its enhancements) RATG2 (i.e. IMT-Advanced) For the respective year, there are assumptions on area spectral efficiency for each RATG. For example, Table 22a shows “Area spectral efficiency RAT Group 1 in the year 2010 (bit/s/Hz)” Market setting Spectrum requirement for RATG 1Spectrum requirement for RATG 2Total spectrum requirement y2010y2015y2020y2010y2015y2020y2010y2015y2020 Higher market metting Lower market setting Unicast area spectral efficiency (bit/s/Hz/cell)Multicast area spectral efficiency (bit/s/Hz/cell) Teledensity Radio environments Teledensity Radio environments Macro cellMicro cellPico cellHot spotMacro cellMicro cellPico cellHot spot Dense urban122– 0.511– Suburban122– 0.511– Rural122– 0.511–