Please take out your notebook and a piece of college rule paper (or get a piece of paper from the front table). REMINDER: Friday quiz tomorrow Vocabulary and Greek/Latin roots Literary Concepts
From my class expectations: “We will write in journals twice per week.” Tuesdays and Thursdays – first 15 minutes of class Please have your journals in class those days. “I will collect journals the day after every fifth entry.” (Example: I will collect and grade Journals 1-5 the day after I have assigned Journal 5.)” “Yes, you do need to make up journals assigned when you are absent.” “Journal topics will be posted on the web page under ‘Document Manager’.” “Some journals are meant as creative writing practice and we will read our writing aloud to each other.” I will tell you which ones we will share. “Journals are graded on completion only.”
Journal requirements Please write the journal number at the top of each journal. Please start each entry on a new page. One full page of response on topic = 10 points Full page = top to bottom, margin to margin Rewriting the journal topic is not considered part of the response.
Journals are considered a MAJOR ASSIGNMENT for ethics policy purposes.
Regarding journal content… “I do read your journals, and will often respond to what you write, as appropriate.” “You are entitled to your own opinions as long as they are not obscene, inappropriate, or intentionally malicious.” “There are some issues that I am required by law to report: if you tell me someone is hurting you, you are hurting yourself or plan to hurt yourself, or that you know of someone who plans to hurt himself/herself or others. If you tell me about illegal or potentially harmful activities in which you are involved, I will assume you want me to know and act accordingly.”
Journal #1 (Thursday, September 17) What do you see as the most important issue facing America and Americans today? Explain your response.
Journal #2 (Tuesday, September 22) What comes to mind when you think of “American Literature”? For example, what styles of writing, authors, specific works, or time periods do you associate with it? What kinds of writing are you hoping we study this year?