THE INTERVIEW WHAT ARE YOU SELLING? Your presentation Your personality Your attitude Your ability to communicate Your reliability and punctuality Your ability to learn Your knowledge of the training you attended Your desire for a career in sales You paid for your own training and you are committed Your knowledge of their company because you researched it You can start immediately YOU WANT THE POSITION
THE INTERVIEW WHEN DOES THE INTERVIEW BEGIN? The interview begins the minute someone from the company sees you. Be professionally dressed Walk with purpose and energy SMILE
THE INTERVIEW WHEN YOU ARRIVE Go to the reception desk and introduce yourself: Hello I’m Joe Teagh and I have an appointment to see John Smith at 1 pm. While you wait to meet John Smith do NOT sit down under any circumstances. Walk around the showroom but be sure to stay within earshot of reception.
THE INTERVIEW IN THE INTERVIEW OFFICE Do not sit down before the interviewer Sit upright, lean slightly forward and do not put your hands on the desk Smile and maintain eye contact Answer all questions briefly and to the point Do not recount your life story Speak clearly
THE INTERVIEW YOU WILL BE ASKED SOME OF THESE QUESTIONS AND MORE: Tell me about yourself: Keep it short and to the point. A little background history and the reason why you are there on the day.
THE INTERVIEW Why do you want to work in Retail?
THE INTERVIEW What do you know about our Company? Ensure that you have researched the company before your interview!
THE INTERVIEW Why do you want to work for us? This is an opportunity to reflect some of the information you have learnt when researching the company!
THE INTERVIEW What can you bring to this Company?
THE INTERVIEW What do you expect to be paid?
THE INTERVIEW Why did you leave your last job? Never bag your previous employer – be professional!
THE INTERVIEW Why should I hire you?
THE INTERVIEW Where do you hope to be in 5 years and what is your goal?
THE INTERVIEW What made you enrol into the TrainThem Program?
THE INTERVIEW Tell me about what you learnt. Great opportunity to demonstrate what you know about Sales and Customer Service.
THE INTERVIEW How would you greet a customer on the showroom floor?
THE INTERVIEW What do you say to customers that tell you that they are “just looking”?
THE INTERVIEW Customer walks in and tells you that he or she is looking for a bed: What questions would you ask?
THE INTERVIEW The interviewer takes you to the showroom floor and points to a lounge: How would you demonstrate it?
THE INTERVIEW What are the main 6 points to follow during a Demonstration?
THE INTERVIEW The customer can’t commit to buying your product today because he needs to bring a third party back on the weekend: What do you do now?
THE INTERVIEW How will you best utilise your personal contacts? Friends Relatives Acquaintances Friends of friends
THE INTERVIEW The customer asks you for a discount, What do you do?
THE INTERVIEW The customer does not want to pay the delivery charge; What do you do?
THE INTERVIEW How would you ask your customers for referrals?
THE INTERVIEW Who can you ask for referrals?
THE INTERVIEW The interviewer asks you if you have any questions. Here are some questions you may ask- How will I get my product knowledge? I want a challenge so will I be given sales targets to meet? Will I be required to undergo additional training? Will I be given a copy of Company policies and code of conduct? Two final questions- Do I have the position? How soon may I start?
THE INTERVIEW Thank the interviewer for his or her time and ask what you will need to bring with you on the day that you begin employment. Now leave with the same energy and enthusiasm with which you walked in... Remember people are watching you!