Module 2-1 The Foundation For Road Safety Management Policy History and Institutional Structures of Road Safety Management Think about it …
Module Tracking your way through Road Safety 101 Core Competency 2: The History and Institutional Structures of Road Safety Management Module 1:The Foundation for Road Safety Management Policy Module 2:Safety Management Roles and Responsibilities Module 3:Road Safety Education Opportunities Module 4:Funding Sources, Requirements, and Opportunities
Module The Foundation for Road Safety Management Policy Identify the legislative initiatives, program development and delivery structures, research initiatives, and other factors that have shaped road safety management practices.
Module Major Topics Key Events and Legislation Federal Programs Established in the 70’s and 80’s Current Structure and Priorities Road Safety Research Initiatives
Module A History Lesson Think about it …
Module Road Safety in the 1960s “…Gravest problem before the nation.”
Module Key Events and Legislation Think about it …
Module Road Safety Legislation – 1960s 1966 National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Research and development National Driver Register 1966 Highway Safety Act Highway safety grant program Uniform standards Road user behavior Governor’s Representatives Federal/State Partnership Think about it …
Module Road Safety -- ’70s and ’80s 1973 Highway Safety Act Conduct a survey of all hazardous locations. Study the causes of crashes at those locations. Conduct a benefit/cost analysis of proposed mitigation strategies at those locations. Prioritize improvements based on the results of the benefit/cost ratio analysis. Categorical Funding Highway-rail grade crossings; High hazard locations; Pavement marking demonstration programs; Elimination of roadside obstacles; and Federal-aid safer roads demonstration. Think about it …
Module ’70s and ’80s (cont.) Commercial Motor Vehicles Crash number and severity Hazardous materials incidents FMCSA
Module s Legislation 1991 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act 1998 Transportation Equity Act for the 21 st Century
Module TEA-21 Safety Conscious Planning
Module Where we are today 2005 Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act – A Legacy for Users Highway Safety Improvement Program Strategic Highway Safety Plan
Module Today (cont.) High-Risk Rural Roads Highway Rail Grade Crossing Other Features of SAFETEA-LU Safe Routes to School Traffic Records Systems Improvements (Section 408) Incentive Grants and Transfer Programs (continued from TEA-21) Think about it …
Module Road Safety Research Initiatives 1972 – 1977 Indiana Tri-Level Study Crash Factors Human 93% Environmental 34% Vehicle 13% Think about it …
Module Thinking about Human Factors Chevrons Flashing beacons Rumble strips and stripes Ambulance service Trauma centers
Module Road Safety Research Initiatives National Academies of Science Transportation Research Board (TRB) National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) AASHTO FHWA TRB Think about it …
Module University Research University of Michigan University of North Carolina Iowa State University Texas A&M University
Module Private Sector Research Insurance Institute for Highway Safety vehicle road user roadway factors Vehicle Research Center Highway Loss Data Institute Think about it …
Module Federal Research FHWA NHTSA FMCSA FTA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Think about it …
Module Review Key Events and Legislation Federal Programs Established in the 70’s and 80’s Current Structure and Priorities Road Safety Research Initiatives