Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS) Shannon Purdy NHTSA Region 2 Deputy Commissioner Christine Coulter Philadelphia Police Department
Crash fatalities, 1990 - now Declines have leveled off DUI accounted for 9,967 fatalities Speeding accounted for 28% Distraction accounted for 3,179 4,884 pedestrians and 726 cyclists killed ….and fatalities are just the tip of the crash problem. In addition to lives lost, traffic crashes caused 2.3 million serious injuries in 2014, and traffic crashes cost us $242 billion including lost productivity, medical costs, legal and court costs, emergency service costs (EMS), insurance administration costs, congestion costs, property damage, and workplace losses
What is DDACTS? DDACTS is an operational model that uses the analysis of location-based crash, crime, calls for service and enforcement data to support effective and efficient deployment of resources.
DDACTS Goal Reduce the incidence of crime and crashes in our communities. Reduce social harm.
Why use DDACTS? Crashes and crime often occur in close proximity Crime/dangerous behavior often involves motor vehicles Crashes significantly drain agency resources Vehicle stops yield valuable intelligence Agencies have increasing demands/decreasing resources State highway safety programs AND fund recipients must deploy crash countermeasure resources based on data
Philadelphia Police Department 140 square miles approx. 1.6 million people 21 police districts 6,250 sworn & 800 civilian personnel
Plan For Pilot Initiative Utilize Traffic on “dark nights” Focus on 25th District Target areas of high traffic Enforcement of traffic laws, DUI checkpoints, car stops
Philadelphia’s 25th District High levels of social harm Enthusiastic participation from district leadership
Violent Crimes (100, 300, 400 Series) Density of Crashes vs. Violent Crime occurring between Jan 2008 and July 2011, Tuesdays between 7-11pm Crashes (3700 Series) Violent Crimes (100, 300, 400 Series) Medium High Low
Violent Crimes (100, 300, 400 Series) Density of Crashes vs. Violent Crime occurring between Jan 2008 and July 2011, Thursdays between 7-11pm Crashes (3700 Series) Violent Crimes (100, 300, 400 Series) Medium High Low
Monitoring and adjusting Challenges to initial implementation Occupy Protests Events and Man Power Are we measuring this correctly? Tickets and Citations not being tracked Other units of measure not being taken into account Measuring contacts and community involvement
DUI Checkpoint April 20, 2012: Friday night Checkpoint at C and Allegheny 19 DUIs
2,300 Packs of Heroin and 100 Percocet …and other results 2,300 Packs of Heroin and 100 Percocet
Results from Pilot Percent change over first six months of implementation compared to the three-year average Violent Crime -24% Traffic Crashes -7% Impounded Vehicles 31% Police Stops 5%* Enforcement * PPD’s Police stops were down significantly citywide in 2012 Social Harms
Data Driving Philadelphia
Mapping Activity
Mapping Enforcement
Philadelphia Police Department To learn more… Shannon Purdy NHTSA Region 2 Christine Coulter Philadelphia Police Department Thank you!