MDA and KE - Working in Partnership Nick Poole Chief Executive MDA
KE is an MDA Partner –Working in partnership on standards development –Intelligence from the user community –Ensuring out-of-the-box compliance –Innovation and R&D –Ensuring that systems are fit-for-purpose –Enabling the work of MDA…
SPECTRUM –SPECTRUM 3.1 published in February –Available as a Web Service in TEI XML –SPECTRUM Schema/Interchange Format due Q2 –Reflecting changes in policy and practice –Work with AACR2, ISAD(G) and EAD
SPECTRUM International –Translation & Localisation Agreements –European Documentation Standards Development Community –International Collections Mobility Framework –Mapping up and across via the Conceptual Reference Model
SPECTRUM Terminology –Web Services deployment of thesauri –How-to guides on development & use –Marrying folksonomy to ontology –Addressing unique/persistent concept identifiers –Structured (SKOS) version of SHIC –New terminologies for different subject areas
Thanks to KE Software and the KEMu User Group for your continuing support of MDA!
Nick Poole Chief Executive MDA