The Voice of Nursing Community of Practice Forums (CoP) Forums Northwest Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center September 25, 2014 Lauren Bridge, CNO Janet Reeder, RN, Executive Consultant Nursing Operations
Our Team Voice of Nursing Leaders Lauren Bridge, CNO Janet Reeder, RN, Executive Consultant Nursing Operations Adrienne Enghouse, RN, Labor Partner Kris Becker, RN, ED and Critical Care Director (Infrastructure) Kathy Raven, RN, Med/Surg Director Jessica Alexander, RN, Director of Informatics Alison Reid, RN, Operating Room Director Melody Routley, RN, Acting Director for Nursing Professional Development (Education) Bethany Carey, Sr. Consultant for Service & Care Experience (Evaluation) Beth Parmenter, RN, Oncology Manager (Insipiration) Nurse Managers – all units Leslie Kilian, Sr. Consultant, Hospital Strategic Program Management Office (HSPMO) Sarah Bellamy, PI Consultant, HSPMO
Voice of Nursing Current Work Inspiration Nurse’s Week Activities CNO Sunflower Awards and Tea/Round Table Nursing Salon Book Club RBC Roll-Out Infrastructure Development of new Nursing Governance Structure Revisiting participation and function of Nursing Councils Embedding PPM elements into council charters RBC Model of Care Education Nursing Leadership Nursing Councils Charge Nurses Champions Ongoing Communication Evaluation Dyad Rounding Successes HCAHPS Avatar data related to nursing Use UBT structure to drive engagement with measurable outcomes Inspiration: Nurse’s Week Activities History of Nursing: History of Nursing Display Case in main hospital lobby Presentation made at Nurse’s Week Marilyn Chow presentation Daisy Awards Presentation to Daisy Award recipients Recipients awarded quarterly Extraordinary Nursing Award Honoree celebrated Nursing Certifications Banner acknowledging all RNs with certifications On-Going Activities: Sunflower awards with CNO tea/round table Nursing Salon Book Club RBC Roll-out Infrastructure Nursing Governance Developing new structure that will visually communicate relationship between patients/families, staff, councils and leadership Revisiting purpose of all councils to determine appropriate content, participation and structure Embedding PPM elements into council charters Purchased and provided copies of Advancing Professional Nursing Practice (by Glembocki & Fitzpatrick) to team members and using it to align RBC and the PPM. We will have our first wave of departments go through training in early March and go live between May – June. Champions: Front line nursing champions being identified RBC Model of care Education Nursing Leadership: Voice of Nursing Workshop in February Nursing Leadership Retreat Marie Manthey conference Nursing Councils: Introduction to Voice of Nursing/PPM and the Nursing Wheel Re-aligning council structure Charge Nurses: June - PPM Overview August – Introduction by Linda Leavell October – Presentation on ANA Standards On-Going Communication/Education RN Orientation: Discuss professional role competence including ANA standards and ethics along with the PPM Share information about certification offerings and process Encourage completion of foundational classes (Therapeutic Relationships, Crucial Conversations/ Accountabilities) Evaluation (This is an area of opportunity for us.) Dyad Rounding HCAHPS Avatar data related to nursing Use UBT structure to drive engagement in RBC model of care with measurable outcomes
“Grassroots” Engagement! Results As 9/25/14 Our vision is coming to life! Focus has been on Inspiration and Infrastructure Outcomes: Dyad Rounding Achieved house-wide goal of 80% “Grassroots” Engagement! Book club Nursing Salon RBC Kick-Off Increased curiosity/dialogue around PPM, research and EBP Our vision is coming to life! Focus has been on Inspiration and Infrastructure Outcomes: “Grassroots” Engagement! Book club being established in support of RBC Nursing Salon 3 RN and 3 Ancillary units excited to go live with RBC Increased dialogue around research and EBP Sense of curiosity about PPM/EBP Dyad Rounding Went from 63% average in January to 85% in August. Nurses credited for facilitating success Nursing Communication HCAHPS/AVATAR Data - NKE refresh planned (increases seen in May)
Strategy: Slow and Steady What We Have Learned…. Strategy: Slow and Steady Principles of Implementation: Must speak to nurses – support for their passion for nursing Keep the dialogue open and the conversation interactive Nurses need to feel empowered to affect change in their practice “The key to successful implementation in our facility has been, and continues to be, early engagement of respected, formal and informal nursing leaders.” – Adrienne Enghouse Labor Partner Intentionally used a slow/soft approach.
What We Need Help With… Challenges: Questions/Requests for Assistance: Time of uncertainty for both labor and management Initiative fatigue Questions/Requests for Assistance: Has anyone begun to embed PPM into job descriptions? How do we continue to provide inspiration for this work? Looking for creative ideas… Evaluation: Are we measuring correct outcomes to determine efficacy of the PPM?
Q & A