Making Multiplication Formulas on spreadsheets pg.1 1. We are adding money. So first we have to make the “D” column and the “I” column display our numbers as money. 2. Select the “D” column and go to menu Format>Cells. Click the First tab on the Format Cells window that says “Numbers”. 3. Click the choice “Currency” in the Category window. And press OK 4. Now put $.75 in cells D% through D10
Making Multiplication Formulas on spreadsheets pg.2 4. Now we are going to make the spreadsheet do multiplying for us! Click on Cell E5 5. Type =C5*E5 in that cell. You will find the multiplication symbol, which is called an asterisk (*) above the number 8 on your keyboard. =C5*D5 6. Press the “enter' or “return” key. 4 Steps to making Math Formulas a. Select the cell you want the answer to appear in b.Type an equals sign. c. write the cell names (like D5) for each box you are adding or multiplying (Math symbols for spreadsheet are: +,-,*./). d. press enter
Making Multiplication Formulas on spreadsheets pg.3 7. We need this multiplication formula in all our cells for column D and column I. Instead of writng them over and over, let's copy and paste them! 8. COPY cell D5. 9.Then Select cells D6 through D10. Careful! Many people select D5 also, that is wrong! 10. Then press PASTE The formulas will be there and the cells will be multiplied! 11. Now COPY cell D5 and PASTE into cells I5 through I10.