Andrij Wilhite
Theatre in the round So a theater in the round is a stage that is surrounded on all sides by the audience Generally the sets for this type of stage will be very minimalistic do to the fact that you don’t want to block any of the actors with large set pieces.
Thrust Stage A thrust stage is a stage where a large portion of the stage comes out towards the audience. The sets for these are also minimalistic but you have more of a set then you would find in a Round Stage
Proscenium Theatre A Proscenium Theatre is just a stage that has a orchestra pit in front of it. It gets its name from the proscenium arch that goes over the front part of the stage. A proscenium stage allows for large and elaborate sets sense the audience can only view it from one angle so the set designer doesn’t have to worry about block the actors.
Scenic Design Scenic design is the design of the set. When designing the set the designer needs to be aware of the: -Location -Time Era -Architecture Relating to Social Class Scenic designers are responsible for making scale models of the set and theatre Scenic Designers also have the job of conveying the location and the environment to the audience. I.E.: you wouldn’t have the set looking very pristine and nice if the location is supposed to be a war zone
Sound Design Sound Design is the newest field in technical theatre. The job of the sound designer is to make a sound system that works with the production if it’s a new venue the designer will also have to set up the speakers and such. It is also the sound designers job to make sure that all the actors and if needed sound effects can be herd by the audience, and that the actors can hear what they need to hear such as musical ques.
Shotgun Microphone Shotgun microphones are very directional, which means the sound has to be from a very distinct place in order for the microphone to pick it up. They have only a specific area they pick up but the sound is better because they aren’t picking up background noise which would deteriorate the sound quality
Omni Directional Microphone Omni Directional Microphones pick up noises from all around it which makes it perfect for body packs because you can hide the microphone anywhere on the person and it will still pick up the person talking. However it will also pick up lots of other noises within its range.
Omni Directional
Unidirectional Microphone A unidirectional microphones only picks up noise from one direction. This microphone will only take in noise from one direction which means that it wont pick up background noise like a Omni Directional microphone
Speakers Speakers are unites that project sound out towards the audience so that they may hear what the actors are saying
Monitors Monitors are speakers that are used so that the actors and musicians can hear what is going on, on stage. They have these because it can be very hard to hear music since the speakers are pointed towards the audience and away from the acotrs this way they don’t miss a que and are in rhythm with the music.