Operations with Decimals! Adding and Subtracting Decimals How is adding and subtracting decimals similar to adding and subtracting whole numbers?
Activities 1-3 – See handout Is there a relationship between adding and subtracting decimals and adding and subtracting whole numbers? When in the real world would you add and subtract decimals?
Steps for adding and subtracting Write the numbers down vertically. Line up the decimal points. Bring the decimal point straight down. Add and subtract as you would whole numbers.
Examples Add 8.13 and 2.76. 8.13 +2.76 Add 1.459 + 23.7 1.459 + 23.7___
Examples Subtract 5.508 – 3.174. 5.508 - 3.174 Subtract 21.9 – 1.605. 21.900 - 1.605
Real – Life Application $3.45 $10.00 +$3.90 - ______
Your turn Complete with your clock partner and then get your answers checked by me. 4.206 + 10.85 = 27.9 – 0.905 =
Conclusion How is adding and subtracting decimals similar to adding and subtracting whole numbers?
Multiplying Decimals How is multiplying decimals similar to and different from multiplying whole numbers?
Activity – Multiplying Decimals by Decimals Complete Activity (pages 7 and 8) What conjecture can you make about the relationships between multiplying decimals and multiplying whole numbers?
Steps to Multiplying Decimals Multiply as you would with whole numbers. Count the number of decimal places in the decimal factor. The product has the same number of decimal places.
Examples It is helpful to estimate to see if your answer is reasonable! Find 6 x 3.91 Find 3 x 0.0016.
Examples Multiply 4.8 x 7.2. Multiply 3.1 x 0.05.
Real Life Application You buy 2.5 pounds of tomatoes. You hand the cashier a $10 bill. How much change should you receive?
Conclusion How is multiplying decimals similar to and different from multiplying whole numbers?
How can you model decimal division with pattern blocks and numbers? Dividing Decimals How can you model decimal division with pattern blocks and numbers?
Complete Activity 1 on Division Modeling Dividing decimals by whole numbers Place the decimal point in the quotient above the decimal point in the dividend. Then divide as you would with whole numbers. Find 7.6 ÷ 4 Find 36.4 ÷ 2
Dividing Decimals by Decimals Multiply the divisor and dividend by a power of ten to make the divisor a whole number. Place the decimal point in the quotient and divide as you would with whole numbers.
Examples Find 18.2 ÷ 1.4. Find 9.6 ÷ 1.2 Find 0.459 ÷ 0.51
Real – World Example
Summary How can you model decimal division with pattern blocks and numbers? How else can you divide if you don’t draw or use a model?