4 x x x 4
Answer 48
AddingSubtracting OrderingRounding
Bar ChartsPie Charts Line Graphs
Multiples FactorsPrime numbers ², ³, √ × and ÷
Measures Learning how to convert between different units of measure. Perimeter, area and volume Finding the perimeter and area of rectangles and triangles. Volume of cuboids. Decimals Adding, subtracting, dividing, multiplying, place value, rounding. Percentages Finding a percentage of an amount. Increasing and decreasing by a percentage. Fractions and ratio Use of timeAngles Algebra Use of formulae Equations
AddingOrdering Reading large numbers
Tally chartsPictogramsBar chartsPie Charts
Multiples Factors Square numbers Even & Odd × and ÷ BIDMAS
Perimeter, area and volume Understanding length and area. Finding area. Volumes using cubes. Decimals The use of money. Place values. Fractions and ratio Finding fractions of an amount. Ordering fractions. Adding fractions. Percentages MeasuringAngles Positive and negative numbers The use of formulae Graphs
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