Generating Interest in STEM through Hands-On Activities
Susan G. Nelson, CMP, CAE Executive Director, SeaPerch Program
Current Situation Source: NSF “Science and Engineering Indicators 2010”
Based on a book Curriculum designed in 2003 by MIT Funded by ONR as part of the NNRNE AUVSI Foundation manages program One Solution - SeaPerch
What Is SeaPerch? SeaPerch is an educational TOOL SeaPerch is fun and HANDS-ON SeaPerch is a CURRICULUM SeaPerch teaches STEM SeaPerch TRAINS teachers SeaPerch Focuses on DIVERSITY SeaPerch can CHANGE kids’ MINDS SeaPerch is the Navy’s Signature Outreach Program SeaPerch can help find the NEXT GENERATION of STEM Professionals
How Students learn design and engineering principles by building an underwater ROV (Sea Perch) and participating in a SeaPerch Challenge – Fun, educational, challenging – Varying levels of sophistication allow broad appeal – Integrates engineering & technology into the classroom – Introduces maritime, robotics, STEM careers into the classroom
Basic Curriculum Ship and Sub Design Buoyancy Displacement Motor Movement Soldering Vectors Circuits and Switches Ergonomic Design Depth Measurement Biological Sampling Attenuation of Light
National Science Education Learning Standards SeaPerch meets many of the national learning standards Maps to the new Common Core standards Visit to see how standards map to Provides a curriculum and activity guide that maps to standards, provide lesson plans and activities, and gives teachers suggestions and ideas for classroom
Delivery Methods In-School Curriculum After School Programs Out-of-School (Scouts, 4H, Boys & Girls Clubs Sea Cadets) School clubs Summer Camps
Kit Components PVC Pipe Wire Small motors Film canisters Wax Switches Small Propellers Circuit Board components Other items
Current Cost (as of May subject to change) Cost of Kits $169 per individual SeaPerch Kits $235 per Teacher Tool Kit Sources of Funding (Ideas) School District Parents (Lab Fees, Club Fees) Grants Sponsors
SeaPerch Challenge Vehicle Performance Maneuvering (obstacle course) Recovery Advanced Recovery Innovative Design $20 budget for design enhancement (optional) Team Presentations Student team oral poster presentation on the design and engineering process, lessons learned, teamwork experience
SeaPerch Mission Candidates PursuitInterestAwareness Interest Pursuit SeaPerch Robotics, Underwater Robotics, Maritime Engineering Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Careers Formal Curriculum Informal Programs Undergraduate Education (STEM) Masters/ PhD (STEM) Masters/ PhD (NA/ME) SeaPerch Participation Education (Apply/ Graduate) Internships (e.g., CISD) Grants, Scholarships Post-doctoral Positions Careers Public at Large Potential Candidates
SeaPerch Reach through 2013
Curriculum Provides a ready-made solution to kits Affordable Water Mentor/Teacher Training Navy-Relevant Partnership with NDEP and NAVSEA allows for in-class mentoring and support for teachers Online resource for ordering materials, gathering metrics, training teachers/mentors, providing curriculum and activities Customer Service/Tech Support
Program Assessment Metrics and Analytics Pre and Post Student Assessments Teacher Evaluations
How Can You Help? Mentor at a local school Judge or volunteer at a SeaPerch event Purchase SeaPerch kits for use in your designated school or program Financial Sponsorship
Questions? For more info, visit
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