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Presentation transcript:


Not all philosophers agree on the question of human freedom If INTENTION is the heart of an action Then the heart of an action is something we cannot see. Intention has been traditionally identified as a spiritual, (transcendent) quality

The Catechism on Freedom Freedom characterizes properly human acts. It makes the human being responsible for acts of which he (or she) is the voluntary agent. (#1745) Freedom is the power to act or not to act, and so to perform deliberate acts of one’s own. Freedom attains perfection in its acts when it is directed towards God the sovereign Good.(#1744)

Freedom is not real Naturalism (Physical Determinism) Religious Determinism Social Determinism

Naturalism Coined by G.E. Moore, Principia Ethica in 1903 Built on Hume’s challenge to principle of causality Key ideas: – Material universe a unified system – Everything follows physical, biological processes – Concrete evidence a must, empirical/ scientific experiment  what is true

It’s all in the genes A direct assault on human freedom DNA  who you are  genetic predisposition  your choices/promises/actions Freedom is now a delusion Naturalism now causes us to deny the possibility of ethics and morality – How can you be responsible for actions if you have no control over them?

Neurons  Actions Genetic predispositions would lead us to wonder: – are people really guilty of crimes? – Are we COMPELLED to behave in certain ways? – About “free will,” guilt, innocence other mitigating factors If causal connection: we’d no longer be agents

Yet… We need our body to act Your spirit is an embodied spirit, Spiritual capacities, Free will, ARE IN SOME WAY CONNECTED WITH YOUR BODY Naturalism cannot account for human freedom or the moral drive.

Mind – Brain Distinction Rene Descartes “I think, therefore I am.” “Cogito, ergo sum.” Descartes created a split between thinking and the world of matter: a thinking mind with no link to the body. (Body / Mind split)

Thomas Huxley The brain a machine like everything else in nature Mind only a passive reflection of the brain’s activity.

Catholic Tradition DOES NOT deny: – Discoveries of science – Connections between mind & brain The human mind is more than physical functions – Provides capacity for freedom, choice, action – The heart of our capacity to receive God’s self-revelation in faith, understand, live a life of loving service

The human person A being at once physical and spiritual. (CCC #362) Soul our “innermost aspect” of “greatest value” Soul signifies our “spiritual principle”

Our spiritual tradition Emphasizes the heart – Depths of one’s being – Where one decides For Or against GOD (CCC #368)

Religious Determinism PREDESTINATION – God predetermined the course Of the world – History – Each person – PROVIDENCE God’s influence  events/actions

John Calvin French Reformer, Believed in Predestination Freedom & ethics not a part of doctrine of predestination CATHOLIC TEACHING DISAGREES! – Human freedom & God’s providence do not conflict!

Puritans Offshoot of Calvinism Sin  totally depraved humans – >live entire lives deserving eternal damnation – Cut off from God, helpless to save themselves – Don’t believe that God wants to save all God elects some, rejects others.

Catholic Tradition we are free because of God’s providence Salvation: God’s initiative of love, that requires & makes possible our cooperation

St. Augustine ( ) 1 st great theologian to write about free will and its connection to grace He WAS a Manichaean (he converted) – No free will – Body / matter are evil – Spirit / soul are good

Augustine continued Taught against Pelagianism – PELAGIUS Free will has total power Acc. To Augustine, Pelagians gave free will too much power “It is certain that we will when we will; but God brings it about that we act, but that without God’s help we neither will anything good nor do it.”

Social Determinism Outside influences  behaviour Examples: – Parents – Culture – Psychological state – Traumatic experiences – One’s: history, social background, race, gender…

Sigmund Freud Unconscious determines behaviour Repressed memories & desires  unconscious impulses Behaviour patterns are “neurotic”, one’s dreams actually resurfacing memories & desires Not free until you connect with repressed memories UNCONSCIOUS determinism

More Freud SUBLIMATION – Channelling behaviour in less neurotic, more creative ways in right action Two basic instincts: – Life (Eros) – Death (Thanatos)