Chun-Yi Lin
Title: W301 Integrating Technology in Teaching (Part I) Credit: 1 credit hour Prerequisite: W200 or W201 Coordinating Instructor : Dr. Tom Brush Instructor: Chun-Yi Lin
Chun-Yi Lin Background: Elementary Science Education/ Math Education Master’s in Educational Psychology at IU Instructional Systems Technology at IU 7-year consultant in Humaneness Educational Organization, and 3-year voluntary teacher in Science Educational Association 3-year public elementary school teacher 1-year research teacher
Contact information Office hour: Thursdays 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. or by appointment Room 2010 Please give your an appropriate subject and indicate your section.
Provide you with skills and experiences Allow you to effectively and appropriately integrate technology in teaching and learning activities. What we’re going to do in this course: Technology Research Project Multimedia Project Technology Inventory E-portfolio
Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of various technologies of various technologies used for instructional purposes Utilize various emerging digital technologies Research and analyze emerging digital technologies Document and reflect on an e-portfolio
Participation & discussions Technology research report & presentation Multimedia Production Project Technology Inventory Electronic teaching portfolio
Weekly discussions or individual technology reflections (2 project reflections) Attendance required Paper-based, or web-based
Technology Research Report & Presentation Conduct a technology research within groups The topic will be decided by teammates and approved by the instructor The report will be written on the Wikispaces 10 minutes class presentation -- introduce the technology and give examples of how you will integrate the technology into classroom settings
Multimedia Production Project Videos, podcasts, digital story telling, or blog projects for global perspectives (*new- discuss with your instructor) Maximum 5 minutes long Focus on a set of instructional objectives in your content area
Electronic teaching portfolio The purposes of building your own e-portfolio Also compile materials and assignments from this course Professional profile (professional photo, introduction, and resume) Technology research report Multimedia production project Technology inventory
Unexcused absence: 10 points will be deducted from your total grade Late arrival : Assignment: - Bring a paper copy and submit an electronic copy to the Dropbox in OnCourse website; or post on Wikispaces - Late assignment: 10% deduction in the overall assignment grade for each day the assignment is late
Technology research project 25 pts Report 15; presentation 10 Multimedia production project 25 pts Final product 20; presentation 5 Project reflection papers 10 pts Attendance & class participation 20 pts Technology inventory 5 pts Electronic Portfolio 15 pts