There’s a new kind of Pirate out there…
His ship of choice sails the internet
Literary work Music Photographs Artistic work Plays and Movies His gold of choice…
Copied all or part of a document online? Used an image you found online by copying and pasting it into your document? Downloaded free music from a friend or nonreputable website? Scanned an image out of a book into a computer? Copied someone’s words exactly in your paper without referencing them. Are you a pirate? Have you ever…
What is Copyright? Copyright is a form of protection given to the authors or creators of original work, including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic and other intellectual works. As an author of original work you alone can… make copies of your work distribute copies of your work perform your work publicly display your work publicly It is illegal to do these unless you get permission from the author!!
Copyright Infringement Copyright Infringement- is when someone reproduces and or distributes copyrighted works. Internet Copyright Infringement- Copying information from an online website. These are both against the law and you can be prosecuted by a federal court.
Plagiarism Taking ideas or writings from another person and saying they are your own. The internet makes it easy to cut and paste another persons ideas into your document. This is wrong to do. Make sure you properly cite your sources when you include another persons ideas in your work!
Fair Use for Teachers & Education When doing research you can make one copy of articles for personal use Teachers can make copies for educational purposes meant for the classroom and not for profit a) A chapter from a book b) An article from a periodical or newspaper c) A short story, short essay or short poem, whether or not from a collective work d) A chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon or picture from a book, periodical, or newspaper
Works Cited mystery/#/copyright/ mystery/#/copyright/ airUse.aspxhttp:// airUse.aspx