Business Process Redesign(BPR) in Healthcare What? Why? How? Methods Relation to project management
HELPS AN ORGANIZATION STAY COMPETITIVE BPR – What & Why? BPR is a set of activities undertaken to make sustained improvements in the … SPEED(lead time) QUALITY COST OF PROCESS HELPS AN ORGANIZATION STAY COMPETITIVE IN THE MARKETPLACE Business process redesign is a set of activities undertaken to make sustained improvements in the speed (lead time), quality, and cost of a process, in order for an organization to stay competitive in the marketplace.
BPR – How? NEW PRODUCT REDESIGN HIGH LEVEL ASSESSMENT RESULTS IN (FOR EFFICIENCY & ALIGNEMENT OF MUTUAL GOALS) BUSINESSS MISSION GOALS CUSTOMER NEEDS STRUCTURED ORDERING OF WORKSTEPS MEASURED IMPROVED (OR) ELIMINATED It starts with a high level assessment of the business mission, goals, and customer needs. The steps and procedures involved in business processes are analyzed through structured ordering of work steps that can be measured, improved or even eliminated in the new product development redesign for efficiency and alignment of mutual goals.
BPR - Methods LEAN SIX SIGMA PLAN, DO, STUDY ACT (PDSA) CLINICAL MICROSYSTEM MODEL TALENT PROFILING The healthcare industry uses redesign methodology such as Lean and Six Sigma for continuous improvement. Lean focuses on working on improving processes by eliminating steps that have no value to the customer (i.e., work which the customer is not willing to pay for), and by eliminating process waste (such as wait times, inventory, rework, overproduction, transportation, etc.). Six Sigma methodology uses a statistical data approach to continuous improvement, and can be used along with Lean as part of continuous fine tuning of processes once standardized. PDSA Plan, Do Study, Act Clinical Micro-system Model can be defined as the combination of a small team of people who work together on a regular basis—or as needed—to provide service/ care and the individuals who receive that service/ care Talent profiling is finding the right person for the right job
Bibliography ( Caldwell, C., Lean-Six Sigma tools for rapid cycle cost reduction, Healthcare Financial Management. Oct 2006, 60 (10) Shaffer, Vi. (2008). Case Study: Denver Health Leverages ‘Lean’ for a Breakthrough in Enterprise Patient Scheduling Implementation. Gartner Industry Research. 17 December, 2008.