The Red Eyed Tree Frogs By Ashlee
The Characteristics Of The Red Eyed Tree Frog These are the characteristics of a Red Eyed Tree Frog. Big red eyes, Reddish and brownish feet, Green skin, Webbed feet, White underside, Blue stripes down it’s side, and bright colored sucker pads.
Advantages That Allows The Red Eyed Tree Frog To Survive Being green helps the Red Eyed Tree Frog help it blend in. When a Red Eyed Tree Frog shuts it’s eyes it’s almost invisible. Red Eyed Tree Frog has a third eyelid that allows them to shield their eyes from danger while still being able to see.
The Environment The Red Eyed Tree Frog Lives In The Red Eyed Tree Frog Lives in Tropical Rain Forests. It is very humid, wet, and full of vegetation there. Some other animals that live there in the Tropical Rainforests are butterflies, lizards, toads, jaguar, and monkeys.
The Red Eyed Tree Frogs Adaptations One adaptations of the Red Eyed Tree Frogs is it spends most of it’s time in tree tops to keep away from predators. Another adaptation is very sticky feet to climb up trees. Another adaptation is when the Red Eyed Tree Frog is born, it lives with other frogs for a very short time then goes out on it’s own.
The Changes That Mankind Has Made Red Eyed Tree Frogs are not endangered but there homes are being destroyed. There homes are Tropical Forests.
Did You Know…. The Red Eyed Tree Frogs lay eggs through it’s mouth. The Red Eyed Tree Frog s are also known as monkey frogs because of there jumping abilities. Red Eyed Tree Frogs are also known as Red Eyed Leaf Frogs. Red Eyed Tree Frogs is a logo for many nature preserves. The Red Eyed Tree Frog is a logo for the Rainforest Café. There are not many myths or fables about Red Eyed Tree Frogs.