AMERICANS AT PEARL HARBOR Lucie Kresl, Gloria Jones, and Emma Goff
1937 Japanese seize Nanjing, China
1940 Japanese seize Indochina
1941 America starts to make atomic bombs
1941 Attack on Pearl Harbor
WORK CITED o "Attack At Pearl Harbor, The Japanese View." EyeWitness to History - History through the Eyes of Those Who Lived It. Web. 12 May o o o o o 1945.jpg o Krull, Kathleen. V Is for Victory: America Remembers World War II. New York: Knopf, Print. o "Search Results-" Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- Web. 12 May o. o Tanaka, Shelley. Attack on Pearl Harbor. Madison Limited. Print. o "USA History: " Spartacus Educational - Home Page. Web. 12 May o o %20Rosalie%20Allen%20Radio%20Show.jpg o o o o o o o o o o