Texas History Mid-Term Final “Jeopardy”
Settlers in Texas Republic of Mexico Spanish Influence Native Texans Geography
Categories The study of the world, its people, and the interaction between them Geography 100 Points
Categories Geography 100 Points What is Geography?
Categories Geography 200 Points An areas plants and animals, together with the nonliving and living parts of their environment
Categories What is an ecosystem? Geography 200 Points
Categories Geography 300 Points Where water from Texas rivers eventually flow
Categories Geography 300 Points What is the Gulf of Mexico
Categories a flat, elevated area of land that drops sharply on one or more sides Geography 400 Points
Categories What is a plateau? Geography 400 Points
Categories A map that show natural features such as landforms, rivers, and other bodies of water Geography 500 Points
Categories What is a physical map? Geography 500 Points
Categories The American Indian population declined when Europeans came to Texas Native Texans 100 Points
Categories Native Texans 100 Points What is disease and warfare?
Categories Native Texans 200 Points This Indian culture from the Mountains and Basins region built homes of mud and straw.
Categories What is the Pueblo? Native Texans 200 Points
Categories Native Texans 300 Points Two groups of nomads living along the Gulf Coast.
Categories Native Texans 300 Points Who were the Coahuiltecans and Karankawas?
Categories People who move from place to place. Native Texans 400 Points
Categories What are nomads? Native Texans 400 Points
Categories The Lipan and Mescaleros were subgroups to these Plains Indians. Native Texans 500 Points
Categories Who were the Apaches? Native Texans 500 Points
Categories Conqueror of the Aztecs Spanish Influence 100 Points
Categories Spanish Influence 100 Points Who is Hernan Cortes?
Categories Spanish Influence 200 Points Indians told the Spanish explorers of cities of gold in the region.
Categories Why did the Spanish explore the American Southwest? Spanish Influence 200 Points
Categories Spanish Influence 300 Points This explorer wrote the first European account of life in North America.
Categories Spanish Influence 300 Points Who is Cabeza de Vaca?
Categories The transfer of goods, animals and diseases from the New World to Europe and back Spanish Influence 400 Points
Categories What is the Columbian Exchange? Spanish Influence 400 Points
Categories Superior armor and weapons, horses, spread of European diseases Spanish Influence 500 Points
Categories How were the conquistadores able to defeat the American Indians? Spanish Influence 500 Points
Categories Names, language, architecture, art, food, Catholicism, cowboy culture, and music Republic of Mexico 100 Points
Categories Republic of Mexico 100 Points What is our Spanish heritage?
Categories Republic of Mexico 200 Points This industry grew after Mexico won its independence.
Categories What is ranching? Republic of Mexico 200 Points
Categories Republic of Mexico 300 Points Tejanos reaction to Spain’s withdrawal from East Texas
Categories Republic of Mexico 300 Points Why were Tejanos unhappy that they were made to move from East Texas?
Categories The largest settlement in Texas Republic of Mexico 400 Points
Categories What was San Antonio? Republic of Mexico 400 Points
Categories Father Hidalgo helped start the Mexican Revolution in its struggle for independence from Spain by writing this document. Republic of Mexico 500 Points
Categories What is the Grito de Dolores? Republic of Mexico 500 Points
Categories Military adventurers who tried to stir up rebellion in other countries. Settlers in Texas 100 Points
Categories Settlers in Texas 100 Points Who were filibusters?
Categories Settlers in Texas 200 Points This caused Spanish officials to view the U.S. as a threat.
Categories What was the Louisiana Purchase? Settlers in Texas 200 Points
Categories Settlers in Texas 300 Points The majority of immigrants to Texas today are from this country.
Categories Settlers in Texas 300 Points What is Mexico?
Categories He believed that Spain should abandon all missions and presidios except those at La Bahia and San Antonio and that the Spanish should befriend the Comanches. Settlers in Texas 400 Points
Categories Who is Marquis de Rubi? Settlers in Texas 400 Points
Categories Because Spain lacked the people, power, or wealth to hold its lands there. Settlers in Texas 500 Points
Categories Why did Spain risk losing its northern borderlands? Settlers in Texas 500 Points
Categories The Daily Double
FINAL JEOPARDY What was the name of the Derrick’s band in the 1980s?
Categories Paul and the Oil Derricks
Categories UUWaco’s Social Action Team: YOU