Bollywood was born in 1899 with the production of a short film and Hollywood’s birth happened 11 years later in 1910 with a Biography melodrama. Hollywood produces 500 films per year on average and has a worldwide audience of 2.6 billion whereas Bollywood produces more than 1000 (not consistently) films every year and has a worldwide audience of 3 Billion. In terms of viewership, Bollywood overtook Hollywood in 2004 and has been leading ever since.
Bollywood films tend to involve a slower filmmaking process due to India's relative lack of high tech production facilities. Indian film also involves lower cost budgets, mainly due to the average storyline’s focus on family, domesticity and social interrelations; as opposed to those $100m plus Hollywood action movies that award their stars huge pay checks. Usually includes periodic song and dance routines
Movies tend to be melodramatic and sentimental, but also feature comedy, romance, action, suspense and other genres. A number of Indian films have been accused of plagiarizing Hollywood films. Bollywood cinema is increasingly westernized. Movies are overly criticized for their lack of creativity
The meeting of Hollywood and Bollywood –More Americans interested in India –Western producers are funding Indian films –Indian films are influencing American musicals; like Moulin Rouge, which incorporates a Bollywood style dance sequence
Watching movies at the theater g