System X Feature Scope Definition F
Version History VersionDateAuthorDetails 1TBC
Stakeholders Functional Owner Business Owner Other Business SMEs Technical Owner
Objectives & Benefits Objectives –TBC State explicitly what we’re trying to achieve. This should be the “underlying” objective, not necessarily what the business user first says they want us to do Benefits –TBC Why do we want to do this – what is the business benefit?
Options 1.TBC there are *always* options 2.TBC 3.TBC [do nothing option?]
Option 1 TBC Insert diagram(s) explaining the to-be state for Option 1 e.g. –Data flow diagram(s) showing how data will flow between systems –Screenshot(s) showing what is to change
Option 1 – Pros and Cons Effort –TBC feature points Pros –TBC Cons –TBC
Selected Option
Phases Feature ID Feature NameDescription If there is only one phase, delete this slide!
Risks, Issues, Assumptions, Dependencies TBC delete slide if nothing to say TBC Risks TBC Issues TBC Assumptions TBC Dependencies –Depends on –Depended on by
Cost Feature Points Estimate (1 FP = approx 2 man-days effort – code/CT/ST/SIT) Comments T-Shirt Size Re-estimate T-shirt size at start of Define phase: T-shirt size at end of Define phase: Estimated By
Approvals RoleNameApproval DateComments Business OwnerTBC Functional LeadTBC Technical LeadTBC