Physical Science Motion Unit. Frame of Reference All motion is relative to some point of view. – A car is stopped at a light and the driver takes his.


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Presentation transcript:

Physical Science Motion Unit

Frame of Reference All motion is relative to some point of view. – A car is stopped at a light and the driver takes his foot off the break. What are the possible frames of reference for the motion of the car?

Scalars and Vectors Scalars are quantities that are fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) – Ex. 1 ft., 27 miles, 1 cup Vectors are quantities that are fully described by both a magnitude and a direction – Ex. 2 ft to the left, 81 miles North

Check for Understanding QuantityCategory a. 5 m b. 30 m/sec, East c. 5 mi., North d. 20 degrees Celsius e. 256 bytes f Calories Categorize each quantity as either scalar or vector.

Distance vs. Displacement Distance is a scalar quantity that refers to how much ground an object has covered during its motion. Displacement is a vector quantity that refers to how far out of position an object is; it refers to the object’s overall change in position.

Distance vs. Displacement Distance = Displacement =

Distance and Displacement Determine the resulting displacement and distance travelled by this skier during these 3 minutes. (Hint: Skier moves from A  B  C  D)

Distance vs. Displacement Coach is pacing the sidelines. What is the coach’s resulting displacement and distance of travel? (Hint: he moves A  B  C  D)

Check for Understanding What is the displacement of the cross-country team if they begin at the school, run 10 miles and finish back at the school? What is the distance and displacement of the race car drivers in the Indy 500?

Speed and Velocity Speed is a scalar quantity that refers to how fast an object is moving. – Ex. A Tectonic plate moves 2 cm in 1 year – An object at rest has a speed of zero Velocity is a vector quantity that refers to the rate at which an object changes its position. – Ex. A car is going 55 mph East – An object that does not change it’s position as a result of it’s motion has a velocity of zero

Speed and Velocity Question: If a person is rocking back and forth from one foot to the other and does this for 30 minutes, what is his velocity?

Speed and Velocity An object can change speeds many times during its motion. (Think about a car slowing down in a curve.) We calculate an object’s average speed and average velocity for simplicity. Ave Speed = distance traveled/time traveled Ave Velocity=change in position=displacement time Δ is the symbol for change. Ex. Δ position = displacement

Speed and Velocity While on vacation, Lisa traveled a total distance of 440 miles. Her trip took 8 hours. What was her average speed?

Constant Speed vs. Changing Speed Instantaneous Speed is the speed of an object at any given instant in time. – Your car speedometer reads 55 mi/hr. You are traveling at 55 mi/hr at that instant. Average Speed is the average of all instantaneous speeds. – Your trip was 100 miles long and it took you 2 hours to get there. Your average speed was 50 mi/hr

Average Speed and Average Velocity The motion above took 24 seconds. Determine the average speed and the average velocity

Average Speed & Average Velocity Use the diagram to determine the average speed and the average velocity of the skier during these three minutes.

Average Speed & Average Velocity What is the coach's average speed and average velocity?